23 Herbs of Intra Herbal Juice

23 Herbs of Intra Herbal Juice ( The table of Contents)

Intra ® is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts manufactured by Lifestyles Global Network Canada.  As a natural food supplement, Intra® helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems with the essential nutrients that are lacking in most modern diets.

Each batch of Intra is subjected to a rigorous set of quality control tests to ensure the quality of the finished product meets or exceeds the standards of Food GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Regulations. The Intra factory is ‚Hazardous Analysis and Critical Control Point‘ (HACCP) certified.  HACCP is a state-of-the-art approach to food safety recognized and supported by regulatory agencies around the world, including the U.S. FDA and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.




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Herb Active Ingredients Action in Body Focus of Current Research/Traditional Use
Alfalfa Saponin Glycosides A mild diuretic, tonic High cholesterol, Menopause, Poor appetite, Arthritis, Diabetes
Aloe Vera Anthraquinone Glycosides, Polysaccharides General tonic, Detoxifier, Immune function Chrone’s disease, Diabetes, Peptic ulcers, Psoriasis,
Wound healing, Immune support
Astragalus Flavonoids, polysaccharides, Triterpene glycosides Immune function, Tonic, Antiviral, Antioxidant Common cold/infection, Immune support, Diabetes, AIDS, Hepatitis, Heart attack
Bee Pollen Vitamins, Minerals Anti-infection, Anti-allergic, Liver support, Provides energy Cancer risk reduction, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hay Fever
Capsicum Capsaicin Circulatory stimulant, Tonic,
Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic
Diabetes, Arthritis, Psoriasis
Cascara Bark Cascarosides A mild laxative, Tonic Constipation
Celery Seed Glycosides Flavonoids Digestive aid, Muscle relaxant, Anti-inflammatory Arthritis, Gout, Bronchitis, Blood pressure
Inulin, Coumarin Glycosides Tonic, Digestive aid Digestive problems, Liver/gallbladder ailments
Chinese Pearl Barley Coixol, Coixans Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Tonic Painful joints, Rheumatism, Swelling
Triterpenes, Phenolic compounds, Carotenoids Tonic, Mild diuretic, Liver support,
Blood purifier
Constipation, Gallstones, Indigestion, Heartburn
Fenugreek Saponins, Flavonoids Digestive aid, Tonic, Expectorant, Antioxidant Diabetes, High triglycerides, constipation Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Bronchitis, High cholesterol
Flavonoids, Volatile oils Anti-inflammatory, Mild sedative, Tonic, Antioxidant Colic, Eczema, Gingivitis (periodontal disease),
Wound healing, Irritable bowel syndrome
Ginger Root Volatile oils, Gingerols Digestive aid, Anti-inflammatory,
Anti-nausea, Detoxicant
Nausea, Indigestion, Atherosclerosis,
Migraine headache, Rheumatoid arthritis
Juniper Berry Volatile Oils, Flavonoids,
Sterols, Catechins
 a Mild diuretic, Anti-inflammatory,
Antioxidant, Digestive aid
Edema (water retention), Indigestion, Kidney and bladder inflection, Gout, Cancer protection, Blood pressure
Licorice Root Flavonoids Antioxidant, Detoxicant, Expectorant Asthma, Chronic fatigue, Bronchitis, HIV support
Passion Flower Flavonoids, Volatile oils Anti-anxiety, Antioxidant Anxiety, Insomnia, Pain
Pipsissewa Hydroquinones, Flavonoids Tonic, Astringent, Kidney support, Antioxidant Inflammation, Urinary tract infection
Sterols, Coumarin, Polysaccharides Immune function Blood pressure, High cholesterol, Immune support, Cardiovascular disease
Rose Hip Flavanoids, Vitamins Astringent, Diuretic, Tonic Blood purifier, Infections
Sarsaparilla Saponins Anti-inflammatory, Tonic, Detoxicant,
Liver protectant
Psoriasis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout
Lignans Immune function, Liver support, Activation of antioxidant enzymes, Tonic, Antioxidant Common cold/sore throat, Fatigue, Hepatitis, Infection,
Liver support, Stress
Eleutherosides, Polysaccharides Immune function, Energy, Adaptogen Fatigue, Common cold, Fybromyalgia, Infection, Diabetes
Thyme Volatiles Oils, Flavonoids Anti-tussive, Expectorant, Antioxidant Bronchitis, Cough, Indigestion

Source: Paul Kramer, RND, Lifestyles PBC

Discover the content of Intra Herbal 23 botanical extracts

The list of herbs:

Aloe vera gel (Aloe barbadenis)

Siberian ginseng extract (Eleutherococcus senticosus)

Licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza species)

Astragalus root extract (Astragalus membranaceus)

Reishi mushroom extract (Ganoderma lucidum)

Chinese pearl barley extract (Coix lacryma-jobi)

Schisandra berry extract (Schisandra chinenis)

Rosehip extract (Rosa species)

Chicory root extract (Cichorium intybus)

Dandelion root extract (Taraxacum officinale)

German chamomile extract (Chamomilla recutita)

Alfalfa herb extract (Medicago sativa)

Cascara bark extract (Rhamnus purshiana)

Fenugreek seed extract (Trigonella doenum-graecum)

Bee pollen (Apis Pollenus)

Pipsissewa extract (Chimaphila umbellata)

Juniper berry extract (Juniperus communis)

Ginger root extract (Zingiber officinale)

Celery seed extract (Apium graveolens)

Sarsaparilla extract (Smilax species)

Passionflower extract (Passiflora incarnata)

Thyme extract (Thymus vulgarius)

Capsicum fruit extract (Capsicum species)

The Body’s Eight (8) Biological Systems and 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts

For thousands of years, the Chinese have believed the secret to life revolves around the “pa-kua” (pronounced par-kwar), an octagonal symbol that depicts the eight points of the compass. It is believed that the trigrams (eight directions) give the pa-kua its power & energy.

Intra Herbal Blend supports the Body’s 8 Biological Systems!

The different systems 

Perhaps it’s no coincidence that the body also has eight biological systems — Digestive and energyEliminative / Antioxidant,  Structural (Musculoskeletal), Hormonal (Endocrine), Immune, Nervous, Reproductive, and Cardiovascular — and that optimum power, energy, and good health depend on all systems working together in balance and harmony.

It took many years of testing a number of formulas to perfect the combination of botanicals found in Intra. These 23 naturally-sourced botanical extracts were specifically formulated to work together with each of the body’s eight biological systems.

Digestive & Energy

The botanicals in Intra help you digest foods better, so your body can use the nutrients more effectively to build and nourish cells while providing the energy you need to live a more vigorous life.

Primary botanicals: Aloe vera gel, Siberian ginseng root, Licorice root, Chinese pearl barley, Chicory root, Dandelion root, German chamomile, Alfalfa, Fenugreek seed, Bee pollen, Ginger root

Secondary botanicals: Chinese rose hips, Juniper berries

Eliminative / Antioxidant

The ingredients in Intra help rid your body of wastes produced in the digestive process and through normal metabolism. They help your body get rid of more of the toxins that enter our bodies through our food, drink, and the environment while neutralizing free-radicals with antioxidants.

Primary botanicals: Aloe vera gel, Chinese pearl barley, Schisandra berry, Chicory root, Dandelion root, Cascara bark, Juniper berries, Celery seed

Secondary botanicals: Astragalus root, Chinese rose hips, Sarsaparilla

Structural (Musculoskeletal)

Ingredients in Intra help keep your bones, muscles, joints, and connective tissue healthy; protecting the delicate organs in your body and allowing you to stand tall and move freely.

Primary botanicals: Ginger root, Sarsaparilla, Capsicum

Secondary botanicals: None

Hormonal (Endocrine)

The ingredients in Intra have the ability to modulate the functioning of glands that release chemicals, which eventually control and help balance every other system in our bodies.

Primary botanicals: Astragalus root

Secondary botanicals: Siberian ginseng root, Reishi mushroom, Fenugreek seed, Celery seed


The botanicals in Intra reinforce your body’s natural ability to protect itself.

Primary botanicals: Licorice root, Astragalus root, Reishi mushroom, Chinese rose hips, Thyme

Secondary botanicals: Aloe vera gel, Siberian ginseng root, Schisandra berry, Chicory root


The ingredients in Intra support the coordination of your brain, the spinal cord, and the network of nerves that thread throughout your entire body.

Primary botanicals: Siberian ginseng root, Astragalus root, Passionflower

Secondary botanicals: German chamomile, Thyme


Intra’s botanicals support a healthy cardiovascular system, including maintaining a healthy cholesterol level.

Primary botanicals: Reishi mushroom, Chinese pearl barley

 Secondary botanicals: Chicory root, Alfalfa


The botanicals in Intra help balance hormones, leading to a healthy reproductive system.

Primary botanicals: Pipsissewa

Secondary botanicals: Fenugreek seed, Ginger root

Intra ® is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts manufactured by Lifestyles Global Network Canada.  As a natural food supplement, Intra® helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems with the essential nutrients that are lacking in most modern diets.

Herbs: Nature’s secrets. The 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts:

1. Schisandra berry (Schisandra Chinensis) Used in different combinations for thousands of years. Contemporary research has focused on Schisandra’s very strong antioxidant characteristics.*

2. Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus Senticosus) One of the most thoroughly documented traditional botanicals. Recently “rediscovered” based on studies by Russian scientists.

3. Astragalus root (Astragalus Membranaceus) Considered one of the superior botanicals. Many experts consider it superior even to ginseng in various aspects.

4. German chamomile (Chamomilla Recutita) Native to Europe; legendary, since ancient times, for its mild properties.

5. Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) Referred to in imperial China as “the elixir of life”; its use was reserved for the Emperor.

6. Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) Known for its strong roots – and perceived as a symbol of strength and longevity.* Native to Europe; grown and used around the world.

7. Cascara bark (Rhamnus purshiana) Known as “sacred bark” by Spanish explorers. Native to the Pacific coast of North America; harvested by early American natives who felt it had strengthening properties.*

8. Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Native to the Middle East and China. Licorice is called the elder statesman because it was thought to harmonize and unify other botanicals within a formulation.

9. Juniper berry (Juniperus communis) Native to Eastern Europe, some specimens of Juniper are over 1000 years old. The resinous aromatic berry-cones were highly valued by early Europeans who believed the evergreen Juniper to represent life power. Used in the preparation of the classic flavoring ingredient.

10. Chinese rose hips (Rosa species) Among the various species of roses used for their fruits, the fruits of the R. Laevigata are the most highly valued traditionally by the Chinese. Classical writings report its effects as “resistant to cold and light in the body”. High in bioflavonoids, plant acids, and other nutrients. Native to China and Japan.

11. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Native to the Near East, now found worldwide; rich in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, amino acids, and protein; used traditionally as a nutrient to maintain vitality.*

12. Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata) Extensively used by Native American Indians. Native to northern North America from Quebec to Georgia.

13. Chicory root (Cichorium intybus) Native to Europe and Asia. Traditionally used as a unique food ingredient.

14. Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) Native to the southern U.S where it was highly valued by Cherokee Indians, who believed it to be of great importance and used it in a wide range of traditional preparations.

15. Bee pollen (Apis Pollenus) Rich in nutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins, and amino acids; 2000-year-old Chinese legend claims that long-term use will cause one to “be light in body and full with life”.

16. Aloe vera gel (Aloe Barbadensis) Commonly mentioned in Western folklore. Now widely used in the health food and cosmetic industries.

17. Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris) Native to the Mediterranean region; now extensively cultivated worldwide. It has unique properties; and is commonly used in cosmetics and food.

18. Chinese pearl barley (Coix Lacryma-Jobi) With a use history of over 2000 years, it possesses qualities similar to oriental ginseng, but in a milder form. Found in tropical regions worldwide.

19. Fenugreek seed (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum) Mainly found in the Middle East and Mediterranean region. One of the truly ancient traditional plants with records of use dating back millennia to ancient Egypt. Said to impart “fire and vigor”.

20. Ginger root (Zingiber Officinale) Native to Southern Asia; cultivated in tropics worldwide. Traditionally thought to cleanse. Modern studies have shown it to have antioxidant properties.*

21. Celery seed (Apium Graveolens) Native to Southern Europe believed to diffuse through the system a calming influence.

22. Capsicum fruit (Capsicum Species) Rich in vitamins, traditionally to stimulate metabolism; commonly used to help improve the action of other botanicals in formulations.*

23. Sarsaparilla (Smilax Officinalis) Native to tropical America and the West Indies. Long famed as a folk remedy and currently used in many food products.

 The Natural Path Herbal Guide

Source: Lifestyles Global Network Canada Head Office, Google.com, wikipedia.org

The Body’s Eight (8) Biological Systems and 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts. Watch our Youtube stream. 

The Lifestyles‘ Intra® Solution



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To be continued… 


The 23 Herbal Extracts in INTRA HERBAL JUICE (Ingredients):

Aloe vera gel (Aloe barbadenis), Siberian ginseng extract (Eleutherococcus senticosus), Licorice root extract (Glcyrrhiza species), Astragalus root extract (Astragalus membranaceus), Reishi mushroom extract (Ganoderma lucidum), Chinese pearl barley extract (Coix lacryma-jobi), Schisandra berry extract (Schisandra chinenis), Rose hip extract (Rosa species), Chicory root extract (Cichorium intybus), Dandelion root extract (Taraxacum officinale), German chamomile extract (Chamomilla recutita), Alfalfa herb extract (Medicago sativa), Cascara bark extract (Rhamnus purshiana), Fenugreek seed extract (Trigonella doenum-graecum), Bee pollen (Apis Pollenus), Pipsissewa extract (Chimaphila umbellata), Juniper berry extract (Juniperus communis), Ginger root extract (Zingiber officinale), Celery seed extract (Apium graveolens), Sarsaparilla extract (Smilax species), Passion flower extract (Passiflora incarnata), Thyme extract (Thymus vulgarius), Capsicum fruit extract (Capsicum species)

Energy 100ml = 185kJ 

Proteins 0g/ 100ml

Carbs 11g// 100ml

Fats  0g/ 100ml


The 12 SYNERGISTIC Ingredients in NutriaPlus: