The Antioxidant Power Of Nutriaplus Lifestyles

Why should you take Nutria+ Lifestyles Antioxidants?

FAJFKA You don’t get your 7-10 daily servings of fruits and vegetables

FAJFKA You don’t eat a balance diet

FAJFKA You skip meals

FAJFKA You often eat-out at fast food restaurants

FAJFKA You have stress in your life

FAJFKA You live in an air polluted environment

FAJFKA Get not enough selenium even if You eat a healthy balanced diet

What’s Inside NutriaPLUS (new INTRA & NUTRIAplus)?

What’s Inside Nutria(old Version)?

Blueberry Powder
High in antioxidants, blueberries help protect against reduction in brain function due to aging, as well as help reduce risk of many chronic degenerative diseases. They also function like cranberries and benefit the urinary tract health.
Grapefruit Extract
Grapefruit plays an important role in weight-loss and overall well-being, as grapefruit reduces insulin levels, which regulates fat metabolism. Grapefruit may have the ability to control appetite.

Garlic Powder

The active compound in garlic is called alliin. This nutrient is useful in supporting the immune system and has also been shown to reduce cholesterol.

Cabbage Powder

A source of the phytonutrient called anthocyanins, cabbage supports healthy eye function. In addition, cabbage has been shown to reduce the pain associated with ulcers.

Carrot Powder

Very high in natural beta carotene, carrots support healthy eye function as well as acting as a powerful natural antioxidant.

Rose Hips

One of nature’s highest sources of vitamin C, rose hip supports healthy teeth, gums, blood vessels and capillaries. Useful for helping fight colds and infection.

Grape Seed Extract


High in catechins, grape skin has been shown to enhance immune function, reduce the risk of certain cancers and maintain heart health by protecting the arteries from cholesterol build up.

Spinach Powder

High in naturally occurring iron, spinach helps maintain healthy blood iron levels, thereby ensuring normal energy levels.

Green Tea Extract

green tea
Containing a high level of a type of antioxidant poly phenols known as catechins, green tea helps keep the cells of the body healthy. With proper diet, it is known to help prevent certain diseases and cancers. Green tea also assists weight loss by helping the body burn fat quicker.

Strawberry Powder

Strawberries contain a range of nutrients, vitamin C heading the group. They also contain significant levels of phytonutrients and antioxidants, which fight free radicals. Studies suggest that it can also help protect against age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) and rheumatoid arthritis.

Cauliflower Powder

Cauliflower is in the same family as broccoli and cabbage and shares the same cancer fighting abilities as broccoli. Cauliflower contains sulforaphane and isothiocyanate, the two phytonutrients responsible for its cell protecting abilities.

Beet Powder

Beets contain a component called betaine. There is evidence to suggest that beets can assist in maintaining a healthy liver by removing fat deposits.

Tomato Powder

The main phytonutrient found in tomatoes, lycopene is a known cancer fighter, helps battle macular degeneration and helps with healthy heart.

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This common cooking herb is used for its ability to enhance digestion. Parsley also contains quercetin, a phytonutrient that help with peptic ulcers.

Broccoli Powder

Very high in a phytonutrient called sulforaphane, broccoli can help support immune function, prevent certain types of cancer and detoxify the liver.

Cherry Powder


High in anthocyanins, cherries help support healthy eyes and also contribute to the health of the cells of the body. Cherries are also strong in antioxidants.

Orange Peel Powder


Very high in vitamin C and bioflavanoids, oranges help maintain healthy teeth, gums and connective tissue. Bioflavanoids also support strong capillary health.

Onion Powder

Onion has been traditionally used to maintain cardiovascular health. This allium species and their constituents, act on blood coagulability and have positive effects on other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Apple Powder

Apples contain a type of fibre called pectin. This fibre helps promote regularity. Apples also contain phloretin which has antibacterial activity. Apples are also high in quercetin, a powerful phytonutrient.

Mango Powder

Mango is an excellent source of beta carotene, potassium and vitamin C. High in natural antioxidants, mangos also contain an enzyme that helps improve digestion and sooth the stomach.

Pineapple Powder

Pineapple is very high in vitamin C and the mineral manganese. In addition, pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain. This enzyme helps break down and digest protein in the diet.

Raspberry Powder

Very high in natural antioxidants, raspberries also contain quercetins which help fight asthma and hay fever.


This trace mineral is needed for metabolism of DNA and RNA and is helpful in fighting asthma.



Chromium is essential for the normal metabolism of glucose (blood sugar). As a result, it is helpful in weight management, diabetes, high cholesterol and hypoglycemia.


Essential part of more than 100 enzymes involved in digestion, metabolism, reproduction and wound healing. Zinc supports the immune system and can help with the common cold/sore throat, wound healing, Crohn’s disease and Wilson’s disease.

Vitamin A

vit E
Used for the maintenance of healthy skin, eyes, bones, hair and teeth. Vitamin A (retinol betacorotene,lycopene)  supports the immune system and has been shown to be helpful for cystic fibrosis, infection, night blindness, bronchitis, ulcers and wound healing.

Beta Carotene

The body can turn beta carotene into vitamin A as required. Beta carotene is a strong antioxidant that protects the cells of the body from free radical damage. Beta carotene can protect the cells of the body from environmental damage.

Vitamin E

As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin E helps protect cell membranes, lipoproteins, fats and vitamin A from destructive oxidation. Helps protect red blood cells from damage. Vitamin E can help epilepsy, immune function, atherosclerosis and athletic performance.

Folic Acid

fol ac
Necessary for proper red blood cell formation. Folic acid plays a role in the metabolism of fats, amino acids, DNA and RNA. Needed for proper cell division and protein synthesis. Proper folic acid levels are important for pregnancy and heart health.

Vitamin C

orange pow
Acts as an antioxidant and is important for maintenance of bones, teeth, collagen and blood vessels (capillaries). Enhances iron absorption and red blood cell formation. Vitamin C can help with glaucoma, common cold and sore throat, capillary damage and athletic performance and recovery.


Necessary for normal growth and development and for the use of iodine in thyroid function. Special yeast based forms may reduce risk of certain cancers. Selenium supports the immune system and can help asthma, atherosclerosis, infections, macular degeneration and rheumatoid arthritis.


NUTRIA Lifestyles – high in antioxidants, blueberries help protect against reduction in brain function due to aging, as well as help reduce risk of many chronic degenerative diseases. They also function like cranberries and benefit the urinary tract health. Prune Prunes are one of the highest antioxidants and assist in bowel regularity. They have the highest ORAC measurement, the standard for measuring antioxidant values.

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Rediscover Health & Wellness with Phytonutrients with Paul Kramer

Rediscover Health & Wellness with Phytonutrients with Paul KrameR – CLICK HERE

Health & Wellness with Phytonutrients and Fiber

Phytochemicals AND Phytonutrients are chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants (phyto means “plant” in Greek). Some are responsible for color and other organoleptic properties, such as the deep purple of blueberries and the smell of garlic. Phytochemicals may have biological significance, for example carotenoids or flavonoids, but are not established as essential nutrients.[1][2][3]There may be as many as 4,000 different phytochemicals.[2] BY WIKIPEDIA


Phytonutrients are all-natural, plant-based chemicals that offer tremendous health benefits. Many support normal bodily functions but there are some that have extremely powerful hormonal, antioxidant, and immunity-boosting effects that can actually help ward off disease. The following five classes of phytonutrients have well-known health-promoting and disease-fighting benefits.


Flavonoids are phytonutrients that are most concentrated in purplish red and brownish plants including berries, red cabbage, red onion, some whole grains,coffee and tea, red wine, and cocoa. They come in many different forms including flavonols and flavones. The health effects of flavonoids primarily stem from their potent antioxidant properties, as they are capable of scavenging free radicals, which play a major role in the onset of many chronic diseases. Regular intake of flavonoid-rich foods has been proven effective in the treatment and prevention of heart disease, cancer, and inflammatory disorders.


Carotenoids are extremely powerful antioxidant compounds that protect the cells, tissues, and organs of the body from free radical damage. Due to their effects on free radicals, carotenoids have been shown to protect against heart disease, high blood pressure and certain forms of cancer, amongst other chronic conditions. Common forms of carotenoids include beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and lycopene. Plant-based sources of such carotenoids include carrot, sweet potato, tomato, cantaloupe, kale, broccoli, sweet peppers, and other vegetables and fruits that are red, orange, yellow or green in color.


Isothiocyanates are one of the most effective cancer-fighting phytonutrients. They have been shown to reduce cancer risk in organs such as the lung, breast, prostate, and colorectum. Isothiocyanates are largely present in cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and horseradish. They are responsible for the bitter taste of these vegetables and they’re generally released when you chop or chew them. Regularly consuming isothiocyanates-rich foods may greatly hinder cancer development and tumor growth, especially when they’re consumed in raw form (click here for six vegetables and fruits that can effectively fight many types of cancer).


Lignans are specialized estrogen-like phytonutrients (phytoestrogens) that exert beneficial hormonal and antioxidant effects. Due to these effects, regular consumption of foods containing lignans may offer protection against cancers of the breast and prostate, colorectal cancer, and even skin cancer. Of all plant-based foods, flaxseeds and sesame seeds are the richest sources of lignans including secoisolariciresinol, pinoresinol, and lariciresinol. In addition to these foods, substantial quantities of lignans are housed in whole-grains, vegetables, and some fruits (berries and apricots).


Indoles are well-known phytonutrients that are largely present in leafy green and cruciferous vegetables like kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, broccoli, and bok choy. Similar to lignans, indoles are classified as phytoestrogens as they exert powerful hormonal effects that greatly protect against cancer. They are also effective antioxidants and free radical scavengers. As everyday dietary choices, foods containing indoles have been proven beneficial in the treatment and prevention of various forms of cancer, especially hormone-linked cancers like breast and ovarian cancer.

Scientists have identified thousands of phytonutrient compounds and more are being discovered every day. These five are among small fractions that have been extensively studied for their health-enhancing effects. To optimize your health and reduce your risk of disease, make an effort to incorporate foods rich in flavonoids, carotenoids, isothiocyanates, lignans, indoles, and other phytonutrients into your daily diet.

Proč lékaři doporučují Nutria Lifestyles se selenem?

Doplněk stravy Nutria Lifestyles obsahuje stopové prvky, fytoživiny a fytonutrienty, které podporují imunitní systém a dodají vašemu tělu kýženou vitalitu a zdraví. Společné užívání INTRA® a NUTRIA®, 2 kapsle NUTRIA a 2 odměrky INTRA®, znamená denní příjem 3336 antioxidačních jednotek (ORAC). Vaše schopnost „bránit se poškození DNA “ (antioxidační ochrana buněk) tím vzroste o 278%.

Proč lékaři doporučují užívání preparátu Nutria?

  • Selen. Při jeho nedostatku hrozí vyčerpání organismu, vysoká hladina cholesterolu a časté infekce. Působí účinně proti rakovině. Lékaři doporučují užívat přírodní a bezpečný, 100% organicky vázaný selen – SelenoExcell. Organický SelenoExcell® high selenium yeast, který je v preparátu Nutria zajistí maximální bezpečí a vstřebatelnost v trávicím traktu. Selen působí jako antioxidant, blokující škodlivé volné radikály, které poškozují DNA. Je součástí antioxidačního enzymu, který chrání buňky proti škodlivinám z potravy a je společně s vit. C a E a dalšími fytoživinami obsažen v antioxidačním preparátu NUTRIA. Tato kombinace má chránit organismus před celou řadou onemocnění, jejichž předpokládanou příčinou je poškození volnými radikály. Patří sem rakovina, srdeční onemocnění, mozkové příhody, šedý zákal, degenerace žluté skvrny a další.
  • Zinek a Vitamin C. Zinek působí antivirově i proti toxinům v kontaminovaných potravinách, ovzduší a vodě. Blokuje virová onemocnění a nákazy, urychluje hojení. Vitamin C účinně zvyšuje odolnost organismu proti chorobám. Pomáhá při regeneraci nemocné tkáně a zvyšuje aktivitu bílých krvinek. Zdrojem jsou šípky, rakytník, černý rybíz, jahody, citrusy, křen či paprika.
  • Vitamin A a E. Vitamin A napomáhá tvorbě a funkčnosti kůže a sliznic, je důležitý pro neporušený imunitní systém. Vitamin E zvyšuje vitalitu a energii, chrání srdce a kosti.
  • Nutria  obsahuje další fytonutrienty

Zdroj: The Laboratory Report – Intra and Nutria

Přípravek Nutria® obsahuje organický SelenoExcell® high selenium yeast, stopové prvky, fytonutrienty – „vitaminy nové generace“, které podporují imunitní systém a dodají vašemu tělu kýženou vitalitu a zdraví. Směs antioxidantů obsažených v přípravku Nutria je speciálně vyvinuta jako podpůrný prostředek pro neutralizaci volných radikálů a pro zachovávání buněk ve zdravém, nepoškozeném stavu. Společné užívání INTRA® a NUTRIAplus®, 2 kapsle NUTRIA a 2 odměrky INTRA®, znamená denní příjem 3336 antioxidačních jednotek (ORAC). Vaše schopnost „bránit se “ (antioxidační ochrana buněk) tím vzroste o 278%. Nutria obsahuje bezpečný a účinný 100% organicky vázaný selen – SelenoExcell. Další nejnovější vědecké informace o antioxidantech Nutria získáte zde.

Bylinné tonikum Intra

Vítáme Vás na stránkách věnovaným Intra 23 byliny, kanadské společnosti Lifestyles s 31 letou tradicí. Nabízí to nejlepší z přírody pro zdraví a vitalitu. Intra je přírodní bylinná směs pro každodenní použití, tvořená extrakty z 23 druhů rostlin, kořenů a kůr. Intra působí na osm systémů organizmu. Intra je ceněna miliony spokojených zákazníků na celém světě. S Introu máme skvělé osobní zkušenosti od roku 1998. Proto ji rádi doporučujeme.

Intra je zabalena v luxusní láhvi připomínající exotiku. Uvnitř nalezneme lahodný nápoj, vyváženou směs 23 extraktů bylin, rostlinných kořenů, plodů, semen a kůr pocházejících z ekologicky čistých oblastí země. Tyto látky jsou rozpuštěny v přírodní hruškové nebo pomerančové šťávě a jsou sladěny tak, aby blahodárně ladily tělo – 8 soustav. Intra byla vyvíjena 10 let nejlepšími znalci bylin a vědci, kteří se opírali o receptury stoletími ověřených čínských herbářů a o nejmodernější vědecké poznatky s cílem harmonizace a detoxikace organizmu, zmírnění či odstranění nedostatků ve výživě a prevence civilizačních onemocnění.

Intra Lifestyles