Intra-Lifestyles Distributor Independant. The Precise formula of 23 botanical extracts work better together to help balance and strengthen the body's eight biological systems, leaving you feeling healthier, happier and more energized! Intra is certified Safe for Athletic Use by the international Olympic Committee because it does not contain steroids or stimulants. Intra's formula has been enjoyed by millions of satisfied customers worldwide and is suitable for all ages. An ounce of Intra a day can make a world of difference! Drink Intra. Share Intra. Every Day.
GREETING’S Hello I’m Regina Independent Distributor of Lifestyles Global Network Marketer You can watch and Click for Products Presentation Video and BOP
Welcome in Lifestyles. Discover the incredible power of co-operative marketing. Create a lifestyle where You determine your future by owning your Very Own Profitable Home-Based Global Business. Whether you’re a doctor, student, lawyer, salesman, construction worker, waitress, homemaker, newly retired or other hard worker, HAVE YOU ever thought: „There’s just got to be a better, easier way…“
* Be part of the pioneering team and be a direct distributor of the Products from Canada.
* Be a Wholesaler or Retailer and earn income 20-40%.
Many people have spend a decade or more far away from their friends and families in order to earn enough money for their loved ones. Because of this, some of them have saved enough money to be considered as a potential capital for a local business or investment back in the HOME.
Investing in a small business
Investing in a small business is definitely a good idea, especially if you wish to retire and still have a steady source of income.
Have you ever thought, there has got to be an easier way of making money?
Do you or does anyone you know, need to make more money?
If the answer is yes, contact us and explore a better way to secure not only your future but also the future of your children.
Please use the Contact Form below for any questions you might have regarding Lifestyles products, we’ll respond to your email within 24 hours!
Much has been written over the years about the extremely high incomes that can be earned through network marketing. Lifestyles is no exception with some of the highest earners in the industry. On the other hand, however, not everyone has the desire to achieve such great wealth. In order to better inform you on what a typical distributor can expect to earn, we provide the following statement: „A typical distributor in Canada and the United States who has been in our business for over one year and has purchased more than $200.00 of product has an earning range of $399.00 to $2,000.00 per year. However, approximately 17% of these Distributors earn between $3,000.00 and $9,000.0 per year, and almost 8% earn between $10,000.00 and $20,000.00 per year.“ Now you decide! If you are a dreamer and would like a style of life worth working for then beware the Wealth Warning!
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