What we are reading now? Peak Performance.

Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success…

Peak Performance combines the inspiring stories of top performers across a range of capabilities from athletic to intellectual to artistic with the latest scientific insights into the cognitive and neurochemical factors that drive performance in all domains.

This book discusses the science and application of each principle of success and concludes with prescriptive techniques. Unlike other performance books that are field-specific, Peak Performance cuts across domains and will attract readers and entrepreneurs involved in diverse pursuits.

Peak Performance presents the newly-discovered links that hold promise as performance boosters, but that have been traditionally overlooked. In a concise and relatable manner, Peak Performance explains the strong connection between mind and body and how everyone can apply certain techniques to enhance their own achievements. This book is an entertaining and actionable guide to optimizing personal performance that shows readers how to get the most from themselves.

Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness highlight great performers across various disciplines including Olympic marathoner Meb Keflezighi, three-time Grammy Award winner Don Was, and renowned mathematician David Goss. This book discusses the science and application of each principle of success and concludes with prescriptive techniques.
Unlike other performance books that are field-specific, Peak Performance cuts across domains and will attract readers and entrepreneurs involved in diverse pursuits, from athletes to artists, from hobbyists to scientists, from students to business professionals. If you want to take your game to the next level, whatever ‘your game’ maybe, Peak Performance will teach you how.

Source: https://www.bookdepository.com


Peak Performance
Absolute Spitzenleistung mit den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen erreichen, Brad Stulberg, Steve Magness.

Absolute Spitzenleistung – Peak Performance zu jeder Zeit – die Ansprüche, die der Alltag an jeden Einzelnen von uns stellt, sind enorm.Der Druck nimmt zu und bei dem immer schnelleren Tempo mitzuhalten, ohne die eigene Gesundheit auf der Strecke zu lassen, das schaffen nur wenige.