How to be mentally cool? Get rid of stress and anxiety!

Today’s hectic times add to great stress and anxiety. And maintaining mental health and well-being in the 21st century can be a bit tricky around technology, social networking, and information. How to improve the psyche and get rid of stress and anxiety? How to be mentally cool?

Mental well-being is more important today than ever before. But achieving it is not easy, the pressure is on us from all sides – work, partners, family. Nevertheless, we should learn to slow down and enjoy life, not be constantly stressed and try to get rid of the anxiety we feel. How to do it? 

What causes stress or anxiety?

There are many causes of stress and anxiety. For each person, the trigger can be something different. In general, however, there are several common factors that are the most common cause of our mental discomfort:

Death of a loved one,


Problems at work, in relationships, in the family,

Financial problems,

Environmental pressure (at work, in a family relationship).

But the feeling of frustration and sadness is also evoked by various physical variables, for example, you do not like yourself, you feel fat, too thin, unsightly. Appearance is often the trigger for depression and eating disorders, especially in women, but men are no exception. It is also very important how our surroundings look at us. If our parents keep telling us that we are incompetent, we will feel that way, even though it is not true.

Social isolation, rejection, various traumas, or lack of sleep and physical activity will not add to your well-being either.

Don’t be afraid to see a therapist or psychologist

Most important of all, it’s the realization that you either need help or just need to testify. Today, a visit to a therapist or psychologist is no longer taboo and you do not have to be afraid to seek their help. And not just when you’re not feeling well. The therapist can advise you even in difficult life decisions and guide you.

Tips on how to improve your PSYCHO

There are many tips and advice that can help you improve your mood, calm your mind and be mentally well.

1. Stay in touch

Building good relationships with family, friends, colleagues is important. A lot of bad things come from bad interpersonal relationships, so surround yourself with people you love with whom you share the same interests – partners, family, friends. Try to spend time with them and talk to them for a while. Good relationships at work are a crucial factor because we spend most of the day at work. You don’t have to be friends with everyone, but as far as possible, avoid quarrels and unnecessary conflicts. And if you feel exhausted and without energy after a hard day’s work, call your friends or family and talk, keep in touch with them.

TIP: If you think that someone around you is more likely to suck the energy out of you and have a negative effect on you, it is often better to reduce or break contact with such a person.

2. Be active

It is well known that physical activity has a significant effect on the psyche. So if you spend most of the day at the table and do not move too much, then you will come home and sit down again for a TV, for example, you will not please your mental health. Rather go for a walk, jogging, or work out in the fitness center. It does not have to be a demanding movement or activity, it is important that you move. Find an activity that you enjoy and try to do it regularly, whether it’s just a small change in an experienced routine or a big decision to run a marathon. How about replacing the elevator with stairs, go to work by bike or on foot. There are really a lot of possibilities.

In addition, sports are a great way to get rid of stress. Physical activity reduces the production of cortisol, the so-called stress hormone, and also flushes out chemicals from our body that promote a positive mood. Eliminate symptoms of stress such as an upset stomach, poor sleep, poor lifestyle, and get comfortable.

3. Have time for yourself

Finding time during the day just for yourself is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Although many say that we do not catch up and do not have time, there are always a few minutes that we can set aside only for ourselves. Having time for yourself is really important, so try to find at least 15 minutes a day, ideally more to devote yourself to and what you enjoy, whether it’s a walk, reading a good book, meditating, or just sitting in the garden. or in the park and enjoy the present moment.

Find an activity that entertains and fills you, brings you happiness and well-being, and in which you relax. It can really be anything from reading to embroidery. Meditation or various breathing techniques are also a great way to get rid of stress. Also popular is the method of mindfulness, which involves realizing the present moment, how our thoughts affect our behavior and actions.

4. Eat Healthy

Food, like physical activity, is an important element of our mental health. If you usually eat unhealthily in fast food and consume alcohol, you probably won’t be very mentally well. Eating habits significantly affect our emotions and how we feel.

It is important to eat regularly, at least 3 times a day. Avoid foods with fast sugars, which will cause the blood glucose to rise rapidly and then fall rapidly, making us feel hungry. It is a hunger that makes us feel nervous, frustrated, irritated, and much faster than we fall into a bad mood. Eat a balanced diet, treat yourself to plenty of vegetables, try not to miss breakfast. Follow the drinking regime and drink a sufficient amount of the best clean water. Also, try to limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol.

5. Treat yourself to a good night’s sleep

The body’s sleep serves to regenerate, if we do not have enough of it, we will be tired and therefore also moody. Therefore, enjoy at least 7-8 hours of sleep. It is ideal to go to bed at the same time every day and also wake up at the same time. Put down the phone at least an hour before bed, turn off the TV and computer, and you better read, listen to relaxing music, take a bath, or try breathing exercises or meditation. Not only in the summer months, pull blinds or shutters in the bedroom.

6. Accept yourself

It is really difficult to accept who we are, but it is not impossible. Believe that if you accept and love yourself, you will be relieved. Find what you are good at and accept your uniqueness. Do not succumb to negative thoughts. Learn new things, discover new places, people. That you will underestimate yourself, constantly saying that you are not good enough, or standing in front of a mirror and looking for imperfections damages your mental health. If you have been carrying trauma for a long time, for example, your classmates have told you that you are not good or you have not received enough recognition from your parents, talk about your feelings, whether it is a friend or a professional.

Source:, Dana Grof – Silnezdravi,,

How to Overpower With Anxiety and Depression

Many people with anxiety disorders understand that their thoughts are irrational, but they still can’t  stop them.Anxiety disorders are often linked to depression. It’s important that both conditions are treated simultaneously.

People with anxiety disorders — social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder — or phobias spend most of their lives in an agitated state. After a while, that can take a huge emotional toll, and depression often sets in. There’s no conclusive explanation as to why anxiety and depression so often co-exist, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, but you can find relief from both with the right treatment.

Why Anxiety Leads to Depression

Anxiety disorders are much more than just nervousness and worrying. They can cause terrifying fear about things that other people wouldn’t give a second thought to.

“It’s a cycle,” says Sally R. Connolly, LCSW, a therapist at Couples Counseling of Louisville in Kentucky. “When you get anxious, you tend to have this pervasive thinking about some worry or some problem and you feel bad about it. Then you feel like you’ve failed, and you move to depression.”

The two conditions have a complicated relationship:

  • The incidence of developing depression in addition to an anxiety disorder is high — almost half of all people with major depression also suffer from severe and persistent anxiety, Connolly notes.
  • “People who are depressed often feel anxious and worried, so one can trigger the other,” she says. “Anxiety often comes before depression.”
  • There may be a biological predisposition to both depression and other anxiety disorders.
  • People who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), an anxiety disorder, are particularly likely to also develop depression, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

“Especially with anxiety, more so than depression, there often is some family history, and so therefore we think that there may be some genetic predisposition to this,” Connolly explains. “Some people are just worriers and pass it down.”

Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

These are signs that a person may suffer from both anxiety disorder and depression:

  • Constant, irrational fear and worry
  • Physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, fatigue, headaches, hot flashes, sweating, abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing
  • Insomnia
  • Changes in eating, either too much or too little
  • Difficulty with memory, decision making, and concentration
  • Constant feelings of sadness or worthlessness
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and activities
  • Feeling tired and cranky
  • Inability to relax
  • Panic attacks

The Road to Recovery

Both anxiety and depression should be treated together. Effective treatment strategies include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which is often used to treat anxiety disorder with depression. CBT can teach people to manage their fears, anxieties, and depressive symptoms by figuring out what’s really causing them; people also learn how to take control of their emotions.
  • Antidepressant medications, which may be prescribed to help treat both conditions. These drugs are often used in conjunction with CBT. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are newer, commonly used antidepressants that offer fewer side effects than older antidepressants, according to the NIMH.
  • Exercise, which can also help both depression and anxiety disorders. Exercisereleases chemicals in the body that make you feel good, and it can help you relax. Taking just a 10-minute walk may alleviate symptoms for several hours, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America states.
  • Relaxation techniques, which include practicing meditation and mindfulness. Both can ease symptoms of both anxiety and depression and improve your quality of life, according to a large research review published in the March 2014 issue of JAMA Internal Medicine.
  • Organizations offering mental health services, which can include a hospital or support group in your community. Check out the National Institute of Mental Health or the Anxiety and Depression Association of America for more resources.

Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Loved ones of those struggling with anxiety and depression should be on the lookout for these warning signs of a mental health crisis:

  • Poor daily self-care, such as refusing to perform personal hygiene habits, get out of bed, or eat
  • Sudden and extreme changes in mood
  • Becoming violent, threatening, or aggressive
  • Abusing substances
  • Appearing confused or having hallucinations
  • Talking about suicide or about not having a reason to live

Treatment for anxiety disorders and depression needs to be administered and managed by a psychiatrist, Connolly says. “It’s really crucial for people with both [anxiety and depression] to have a good assessment to rule out bipolar disorder,” she says. Bipolar disorder, a condition in which emotions can swing from very low to very high levels of mania and depression, is treated much differently than anxiety disorder with depression.

No one has to suffer from anxiety disorder or depression, and certainly not both. People with anxiety disorder should speak with a psychiatrist, therapist, or other healthcare professional about their symptoms, and start treatment before depression has a chance to set in.

Read more about Foods You shall Eat Every Day to Beat Depression
