How are you feeling today? Intra Herbal Juice.

How are you feeling today? Intra Herbal Juice.

How much intra should I take every day? 
The recommended dose of intra is 28ml to 56ml (1-2 fluid ounces) a day, but up to 168ml (6 fluid ounces) can be safely consumed daily if you feel like your body needs additional support. If you feel like you need an extra boost – take more intra daily. If people use intra consistently for 3 consecutive months ( INTRA TRIO), 1/3 will notice some sort of result within 3 to 7 days, 1/3 within 1 to 3 weeks & the last third within 3 weeks to 3 months.

I am an athlete, can I take intra? 
We know many athletes that enjoy the benefits of the powerful intra botanical formula. intra will not causean athlete to test positive for any banned substance. Intra is free of all banned stimulants – many professional athletes have used intra.

How does the intra capsules differ from intra liquid? 
There is no difference in the formula between the liquid and the capsules. Two intra capsules provide the same level of standardized botanicals as 28ml (1oz) of intra liquid.
How much sugar does intra liquid contain? 
Intra liquid contains 3 grams of sugar per one-ounce serving. This is the exact same amount of sugar that one ounce of orange juice contains. Anyone with diabetes should take note of this.
Diabetics, in consultation with their doctor, eat a diet based on the Food Exchange List. This means being able to make choices from several different categories in a strictly controlled manner. Lifestyles Intra Herbal Juice may be consumed by diabetics as long as they are incorporated into each individual daily Food Exchange List. This means that some of the foods presently being consumed would have to be discontinued to allow for the consumption of Lifestyles Intra. All diabetics who would like to use the product should consult their doctor for assistance in adjusting their food intake.
We suggest you take along the following information to your Doctor or health practitioner:
Nutrition information per 1oz serving (Intra liquid):
Calories……………….51,50 kJ
The total sugars are 3 grams per 1oz serving and are comprised of 60% glucose and 40% fructose. The botanical extracts contained in the intra formula will not cause a rise in sugar levels in the body. Intra capsules contain no added sugar.
capsules intraIntra-kapsle-trio
Nutrition information per 2 capsules serving (Intra capsules):
Calories………………16,74 kJ
Saccharide…………..0,5 g
Intra capsules do not contain added sugar. The sugar content that occurs naturally from the juice crystals is less than 1/2 of a gram per two capsules. If someone is extremely sensitive to sugar – intra capsules are the best choice. Intra’s unique formula is exclusive to Lifestyles and has remained unchanged since 1992. Drink Intra. Share Intra. Every Day.

When is the best time to take Nutria or NutriaPlus?
Nutria capsules should be taken during the meal with at least 5 ounces of water (or juice). If people use intra and nutria consistently for 3 consecutive months ( INTRA Better Together Program), 1/3 will notice some sort of result within 3 to 7 days, 1/3 within 1 to 3 weeks & the last third within 3 weeks to 3 months. Lifestyles intra carries a 30-day money-back guarantee. We have never seen this product fail to produce some form of results for those who have tried it for 3 consecutive months. Make sure You consume in total at least 3L of water (or juice) per day.

When is the best time to take FiberLife?
Being by taking 1 capsule of FiberLife prior to the meal(lunch) with 250ml – 500 ml of water (or juice). After a few weeks, take 2 or 3 capsules daily.  It is recommended that you take them two or at least one hour before taking any medications and/or supplements. Make sure you consume in total at least 3-4L of water (or juice) per day.
What are the directions for using FiberLife

Get your daily dose of fibre today with Lifestyles Fibrelife!

Can I take intra if I am taking medications? 
However, if you are taking medication or have any concerns, we encourage you to speak with your doctor before deciding to take intra. Whenever starting herbs intake, it is important to start slowly and increase as your body adjusts. Begin by taking 1/3 ounce daily, after one week increase to 1/2 daily and next week take 1 ounce twice daily. Do not stop taking your medications!!
If people use intra consistently for 3 consecutive months ( INTRA TRIO), 1/3 will notice some sort of result within 3 to 7 days, 1/3 within 1 to 3 weeks & the last third within 3 weeks to 3 months. Lifestyles intra carries a 30-day money-back guarantee. We have never seen this product fail to produce some form of results for those who have tried it for 3 consecutive months.
Can I take intra if I am pregnant or nursing? 
Intra is a very safe balanced formulation with no single herbal extract present at high levels. There are no ingredients found in intra that would prohibit pregnant or nursing women from taking 28ml of intra a day.
I am an athlete, can I take intra? 
We know many athletes that enjoy the benefits of the powerful intra botanical formula. intra will not cause an athlete to test positive for any banned substance. Intra is free of all banned stimulants – many professional athletes have used intra.
How does the intra capsules differ from intra liquid? 
There is no difference in the formula between the liquid and the capsules. Two intra capsules provide the same level of standardized botanicals as 28ml (1oz) of intra liquid.
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How many calories does intra contain? 
One ounce of intra contains 51,50 kJ. There is no fat or protein in intra, and the caloric content will not affect your weight.
Does intra contain vitamins and minerals? 
Intra contains only trace amounts of vitamins and minerals. If you have been taking a vitamin supplement, you should continue to do so while taking intra. It is important to remember that the body needs herbal extracts as well as vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients for optimal health.
Is it OK to take intra every day for a long period of time? 
Yes. Intra was developed for this exact purpose using purified herbal extracts in safe dosage, balanced formulation. Many herbal experts recommend that high dosage of single herbs be taken for only short periods of time, however, this does not apply with intra. Intra was specifically formulated with safety in mind using a moderate level of each botanical extract.
Is it OK to take intra after I’ve had coffee or alcohol? 
Coffee and alcohol will not destroy the nutrients in intra, but may affect their absorption in the body. Alcohol and caffeine are both diuretics, and as such, may prevent the maximum absorption of many water-soluble nutrients. For this reason, we recommend that you do not take intra or other nutritional supplements with 30 to 45 minutes of consuming alcohol, or any beverage containing high amounts of caffeine.
Is it OK to mix my daily dose of intra with juice or water? 
Yes, intra can be safely mixed with juice or water. Mixing intra with other juices or water will not reduce the effect of the product in any way.


Intra contains no Steroids, no Stimulants!
 Intra is completely free of alcohol, caffeine, or any substance that would cause an athlete to test positive for a banned substance. 
I have a very sensitive stomach, when should I take intra? 
Anyone with a sensitive stomach should take intra directly after a meal and can divide the daily level over three meals. This should help to reduce any irritation. As with any sensitivity, it is always a good idea to start slowly and work up to the recommended dose of intra.
Is intra approved by the FDA? 
Intra has been reviewed by several government regulatory authorities around the world including the FDA in the United States, Health Canada, and the United Kingdom’s Medicines Control Agency. Because intra is considered a food, not a drug, the U.S. FDA does not issue written formal approvals. It is important to remember that intra has been distributed around the world for over 10 years with no problems for health authorities in any country.
 How can Intra help You
Are there any side effects with intra? 
Unlike a drug, intra is a food supplement and has no side effects. Occasionally, a small minority of people go through a mild adjustment or cleansing period shortly after taking the product. This process should last no more than a week and can be avoided by taking a small amount of product (5-10ml) and working up slowly to the 28ml to 56ml level. If you are on medication, it is always wise to start slowly and work up to 28ml-56ml daily level.
Will intra increase my blood pressure? 
Intra will not cause a rise in blood pressure. The licorice root used in intra is deglycyrrhizinated. This means that all the glycyrrhizin has been removed and only the beneficial flavanoids remain. Glycyrrhizin has the potential to raise blood pressure if high concentrations are taken for a long period of time. For this reason, we have removed this component of the licorice root in intra.
Can I be allergic to intra? 
Intra is a food product, and as such, a small minority of people may be allergic to one of the ingredients that make up the formula. As with any food product, if an allergy exists, the person should not continue to take intra. As intra is a food supplement, a very small minority may be allergic to one of the ingredients – no more than any other type of food.
What is the shelf life of intra? 
In most countries around the world, the shelf life of intra is set as 24 months, however, independent laboratory testing has shown that intra can last up to 3 years under proper storage conditions. Once your bottle of intra has been opened, we suggest you store it in the refrigerator.
Is there any alcohol in intra? 
No, intra does NOT contain alcohol.
I thought the juice in intra liquid was important?
The juice in the intra liquid is very important as a natural sweetener as well as an excellent aid to the absorption of the herbs. That is why we included freeze-dried orange juice crystals in the intra capsules. When the intra capsules are taken with water the juice crystals mix with the water in the stomach to form orange juice which then assists the absorption of the herbs in the body.

pdf Click here to download the Intra Q&A
pdf Click here to download the Intra leaflet
pdf Intra is certified pesticide free

pdf Click here to download the Nutria Q&A
pdf Click here to download the Nutria leaflet
pdf Laboratory report showing the antioxidant power of Intra and Nutria
pdf Nutria is certified pesticide free

pdf Click here to download the Fibrelife Q&A