Detox. What the experts say about detoxification. Part I.

Why is detoxification good?

DETOX is a process to get your body rid of various toxins. It aids in strengthening the immune system, rejuvenate skin and boost mental health, amongst many other health benefits. Detoxifying brings balance back to your life and helps your system function correctly.

For example, detoxing the body by cutting out alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and refined foods is a practice that you can benefit from regularly. Many people opt for this type of detox once per month or even once per week (or more!) for greater health and wellbeing.

There could be some placebo effect, where you think you’re feeling better. But it’s more likely because you are exercising more and eating healthier. There are very few, if any, well-designed scientific studies that show a benefit to detox supplements.

The three phases of healthy detoxification are the generation of water-soluble intermediaries, the neutralization of toxic water-soluble intermediaries, and the excretion of the neutralized intermediaries. Preventing unhealthy detoxification function begins with reducing our exposure to toxins.


Fresh lemon juice mixed with water does not have a detoxifying effect, but it has a healthy vitamin C supplement effect. If you find it difficult to drink plain water, try adding some fresh lemon juice. The taste of lemon can make you feel better and enjoy drinking more water.

Basic Detox Rules to Follow – Stay Hydrated. The cornerstone of any successful detox is proper hydration. + Herbal Teas. + Antioxidants. + Detox Smoothies. + Fiber. + Fasting Periods. + More cardio. + Probiotics. + Cut calories (Energy Drinks, Preservatives, Burnt Fats, ETC.).

Learn to rest and calm your mind......Body and mind detoxification.