The Road to Regional Director – Income for You

By joining Lifestyles as either a Distributor, we will help You to save up to 40% on all your product purchases!


fluxgold_2001 28032009_003_ Brno_Lifestyles_5.12_003 Tom a Regi Oxana Team

We in Lifestyles can show you how you can make extra income with your own Lifestyles internet business. Join the Intra Info Global Team TODAY! Just click theJoin“ link.


olympic Somijit Lifestyles_Brno everest Group of happy business people clapping their hands gala filipíny Brno_Lifestyles_5.12_006  Asie3fluxgold_2001 28032009_003_ Brno_Lifestyles_5.12_003 Tom a Regi Oxana Team

FAJFKAMany companies spend millions on advertising and distribution each year in order to effectively promote their products. With Lifestyles, that money goes directly to you.

FAJFKAThere are many ways to build your Lifestyles business at your own pace. We offer flexible, part-time hours with a full-time income opportunity. The best part – it’s all up to you.

FAJFKA Shed the hassles of a traditional 9 to 5 job and its limited income, and maximize your earning potential through the power of building a network with our 5 streams of income: Retail profits, Wholesale Profits, Fast Track Bonuses, Generation Bonuses,Organizational Bonuses

FAJFKAThe Lifestyles global marketplace: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States.

FAJFKA  Lifestyles manufactures a complete range of products designed specifically to enhance our health and nutrition. 

FAJFKA Based near Toronto, Canada, Lifestyles has invested millions of dollars into the infrastructure to sustain tremendous international growth. To support this, the company is continuously recruiting corporate staff. When a Distributor joins Lifestyles they are not just buying into a way of earning extra income – they are taking advantage of the greatest opportunity that exists in our industry.

FAJFKA With Lifestyles, you are building your own business,
so you are in control. Work as many hoursor as few hours as you like.

FAJFKAIf you’re not happy with the money you are making, Lifestyles and we want To Give You A Great Opportunity To Get Healthy And To Earn Extra Money To help Make Your Dreams Come true.

FAJFKA Lifestyles is an established, 25+ yr old Canadian company, solid and secure corporation that has been in business since 1989 …

Learn how you could earn an extra $1,000, $5,000 or even $10,000+ per month PART TIMEworking from home. How can we be so sure? Because, thousands are doing it! Because we are doing it and we work with you at each step, teaching you to do the same.

Remember, with Lifestyles CANADA, you are building your own business, so you are in control. Work as many hoursor as few hours as you like. We Want To Give You A Great Opportunity To Get Healthy And To Earn Extra Money To help
Make Your Dreams Come true.


For more information, click here.


Join The Global Intra Team Right Now!



It’s all about knowledge. Anyone that might be more successful than you just knows a little more. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. All you have to do is learn. This web site is the doorway to your opportunity. Sit back, relax and enjoy as there’s no hype, no pressure to buy, no wild income claims as this is NOT a „Get Rich Quick Scheme“ – just solid information for you to make an informed decision about your future with our opportunity of a lifetime.

It’s up to you and if you find that, after reading through the copy, you need more information, we will be more than happy to help. Just complete the contact form and follow the guidelines. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PRESENTATION – CLICK HERE  

Since 1998 we and our friends are enthusiastic about Intra Juice Lifestyles – Intra Juice Review

Since 1998 we and our friends are enthusiastic about the products of Lifestyles. Especially about Intra herbal drink!

If people ask us what Intra is about We sometimes tell them, but only if they are serious about it.

Otherwise they don’t deserve it : )

Within our group we have people using Intra against nervousness, cancer, temper fluctuations, psoriasis, migrain, chronic fatigue syndrom, allergies and more.





Intra Lifestyles Benefits:

  • 23 ancient botanical extracts
  • Proprietary formula – exclusive to Lifestyles
  • Powerful herbs cherished and used as age-old medicines for thousands of years
  • Boost your body’s systems to increase energy and vitality
  • Improves health and wellness
  • Suitable for all ages
  • No side effects
  • Can be taken daily
  • Certified pesticide-free
  • Halal
  • COR341

Lifestyles Philippines National Gala

Lifestyles Philippines National Gala 2019

gala filipíny

International Lifestyles Intra Gala in the Philippines

How to buy with a discount?

No Registration Fee but need to buy a minimum of 2 bottles of Intra or 60 points at 10% discount. We accept payments in BTC.


Join As A Distributor and enjoy Wholesale Discount on Lifestyles products.

How to Join and avail discount on all Lifestyles products 

  Do You like to achieve the Direct distributor level in the Philippines and get a 40% discount, Join Lifestyles now? 

STEP #1 ➡Visit our Philippines web – Click HERE or click this link ( or open the link (Click Here) in a NEW window) 
STEP#2  ➡ Select Country „I reside in“ Philippines “
STEP#3  ➡Please select the following OptionSIGN UP AS A NEW DISTRIBUTOR – RECEIVE  30% DISCOUNT and DD
STEP #4 Fill in an application form online:
             Verify Sponsor: Regina Cincalova, EXE – Sponsor ID# 13980442
             Fill the Name, Address, Birth Date, E-mail, Valid Phone, 
             Click button „Agree with Terms and Conditions“ and enter Verification Code (Below)
                                   Click the button „PROCESS“
 For Proper Assistance and 👄Look for👤 Mr. Tomas Cincala, NMD
✏National Marketing Director:👤 Tomas Cincala
✏Executive Director:👤 Regina Cincalova❤
✏Direct Director: 👤Regina Cincalova❤
➡Registration Fee:🅿2,000 with personal accident insurance coverage of 1million & 100K Hospital Reimbursement ❤❤❤
✅ Worldwide Business
✅ Training and Education
✅ Distributor’s Kit
✅Company Support
✅ Bonuses
✅ Recognition



How to Join and avail discount on all Lifestyles products? Click here and contact us. We will help You.


INSTANT DIRECT – 2800 points – Php 103,640 22 BTK’s (44 btls of Intra, 22 Nutria & 22 Btls of Fiberlife), No Registration Fee at 30% discount.

EXPRESS DIRECT – 1400 points – Php 60080. 11 BTK’s (22 btls of Intra, 11 btls of Nutria & 11 btls of Fiberlife), No Registration Fee 20% discount.


Click to download more info

pdf  The Lifestyles GN Canada Company Profile

pdf  Lifestyles Compensation Plan

People around the world, just like you, are taking advantage of our proven Lifestyles GN Business Opportunity. Some are building new avenues of wealth and financial independence, while others are looking to supplement their income.

The Lifestyles Opportunity has created several self-made millionaires and has improved the health of millions worldwide. With Lifestyles, you will benefit from a business built on our industry leading products. Not only will you enjoy improved health by using Lifestyles products, you will also experience personal growth and fulfillment as you progress through Lifestyles Distributor Career and Compensation Plan.

Profits Lifestyles

Lifestyles is an established and secure company that you can partner with in complete confidence. Join the Lifestyles family today and be a part of one of the most respected businesses in the industry, recognized as a world-leader in building success through health and wealth. Your path to better health and financial freedom starts with your drive to succeed! So what are your dreams for the future? We can help you get there!


Can anyone become an independent distributor?

Yes! If you want to earn money and are prepared to invest a small amount of your time. For legal reasons, you must be over 18.

How do I make Money? 

There are several ways of making money. You decide if you want to make a small amount of money to supplement your income, or a larger amount of money to perhaps replace you income. We will tailor a program to your needs and skills.

Does it cost me anything? 

Apart from a registration fee to cover essential paperwork and product (INTRA TRIO) you can start earning money immediately with no initial investment.

Do I have to be able to sell things? 

If you want to sell things you can. However, if you do not want to sell things we can show you an alternative way.

How much time will I need to invest? 

You can invest as much or as little time as you like, we will tailor a program to suit your situation. Remember this is your own business.  You can start with 10%, 20%, 25% or 30% discount. But we will help You get a 40% discount as soon as possible!

Do I need a website? 

Yes. We will help You build Your own personalized website (, but If you want a web site that’s great you don’t actually need one as I built my business without one to start with. Getting a web site couldn’t be easier and could be free.

So what do I do next? 

You get in touch with us as soon as possible, then we can start working with you and showing you what we have done to become the success we are. You can contact us by phone or e-mail, whereby we will get in touch with you within 48 hours.

What if I decide it not for me? 

That’s fine. We want to work with people who are happy with what they are doing. The decision is yours.

Business Building Tools

With Lifestyles, you are in business for yourself but you are never by yourself. From the very beginning, you’ll receive step-by-step training and support tools to help you establish a solid business and reach your income goals through Lifestyles Distributor Success Programs.

As a Lifestyles Distributor, you’ll receive:

FAJFKA  Exclusive business building tools (Distributor kit)

FAJFKA  Distributor Success Training Guide

FAJFKA  Your own personalized website (

FAJFKA  Your own Personal Business Center (PBC)

FAJFKA  Business building reports

FAJFKA  Business Opportunity Presentation (BOP)

FAJFKA  Online shopping 24/7 access

FAJFKA  Social media support (Facebook/YouTube)

FAJFKA Support through Lifestyles Corporate Website

FAJFKA  The Global Intra Team Support

Every year Lifestyles rewards and recognizes Distributors for their achievements at international events, national galas, and leadership meetings.  These events provide Distributors with the opportunity to network with peers, create lifelong friendships and hear inspiring success stories from fellow Distributors around the world.

Lifestyles is always adding new business tools to ensure your success as a Distributor. Take advantage of Lifestyles business building tools and grow your business beyond your wildest dreams.

Click to download more info

pdf  The Lifestyles GN Canada Company Profile

pdf  Lifestyles Compensation Plan


Join The Global Intra Team Right Now!


Wealth Warning!
Much has been written over the years about the extremely high incomes that can be earned through network marketing. Lifestyles is no exception with some of the highest earners in the industry. On the other hand, however, not everyone has the desire to achieve such great wealth. In order to better inform you on what a typical distributor can expect to earn, we provide the following statement: „A typical distributor in Canada and the United States who has been in our business for over one year and has purchased more than $200.00 of product has an earning range of $399.00 to $2,000.00 per year. However, approximately 17% of these Distributors earn between $3,000.00 and $9,000.0 per year, and almost 8% earn between $10,000.00 and $20,000.00 per year.“ Now you decide! If you are a dreamer and would like a style of life worth working for then beware the Wealth Warning!

Bylinné tonikum Intra

Vítáme Vás na stránkách věnovaným Intra 23 byliny, kanadské společnosti Lifestyles s 31 letou tradicí. Nabízí to nejlepší z přírody pro zdraví a vitalitu. Intra je přírodní bylinná směs pro každodenní použití, tvořená extrakty z 23 druhů rostlin, kořenů a kůr. Intra působí na osm systémů organizmu. Intra je ceněna miliony spokojených zákazníků na celém světě. S Introu máme skvělé osobní zkušenosti od roku 1998. Proto ji rádi doporučujeme.

Intra je zabalena v luxusní láhvi připomínající exotiku. Uvnitř nalezneme lahodný nápoj, vyváženou směs 23 extraktů bylin, rostlinných kořenů, plodů, semen a kůr pocházejících z ekologicky čistých oblastí země. Tyto látky jsou rozpuštěny v přírodní hruškové nebo pomerančové šťávě a jsou sladěny tak, aby blahodárně ladily tělo – 8 soustav. Intra byla vyvíjena 10 let nejlepšími znalci bylin a vědci, kteří se opírali o receptury stoletími ověřených čínských herbářů a o nejmodernější vědecké poznatky s cílem harmonizace a detoxikace organizmu, zmírnění či odstranění nedostatků ve výživě a prevence civilizačních onemocnění.

Intra Lifestyles

Je souvislost mezi Introu nápojem a čínskou medicínou?

Ano. Některé extrakty bylin obsažené v bylinném nápoji INTRA byly užívány na císařském dvoře a jsou dodnes používány v čínské medicíně. 

Tradiční čínská medicína je základem bylinného tonika INTRA. Intra obsahuje byliny hojně používané po tisíce let v Číně. Léčili se jimi chudí i bohatí. Používaly se dokonce při boji o moc u dvora. Vědělo se, jaká síla v nich tkví, a tak měli čínští císaři své dvorní bylinkáře. Bylinné směsi byly prověřeny po tisíce let a to nejlepší ze starých receptů se nám dochovalo dodnes (Intra a její receptura je právě založena na těchto zkušenostech).  I tehdy trpěli lidé bolestmi, měli vyrážky a psychické problémy. Hledaly se kombinace bylin, zkoušely jejich účinky a my máme teď možnost využít osvědčený bylinný recept INTRA z 23 bylinných extraktů.

Síla INTRA bylin a jejich rozdíl od farmak

Tkví ve složení směsi, ve vzájemné kombinaci a u některých hůře léčitelných stavů i v obrovských dávkách bylin. Při studiu starých receptů se až tají dech nad genialitou dávných autorů.
Většina bylin v těle působí pomaleji než farmaka. Jejich úkolem je „přemluvit“ daný orgán či tkáň, aby se daly na správnou cestu, zprůchodnit cestu pro energii přes různé blokády (myomy, cysty, výhřezy, ale i psychické bloky). Kde proudí energie – tam je zdraví.

Farmaka mají různé funkce. Např. dodáváním některých hormonů je tělo přestane produkovat a daná tkáň se zeslabí. Pokud se farmaky tlumí vnímání problému, může se nemoc projevit jinde s větší intenzitou. Je nutné řešit příčinu. Některé léky jsou však nezbytné a je dobré si určit hranice, popř. lze snížit ve spolupráci s lékařem dávkování.

Převážná část našich klientů není zdravých. Chodí k lékařům a požívají léky, obvykle několik najednou. A většina z nich ani neví a nezajímá se, zda je lék účinný, co obsahuje, jaké má vedlejší účinky. Co je příčinou? Pohodlí, protože nemusí pro svou léčbu udělat nic než brát léky. Doba se ale mění a mnozí začínají hledat odpovědi.

Pokud se nakonec někteří rozhodnou pro doplněk stravy Intra, tak chtějí být zdraví rychle nejlépe do týdne. Nedochází jim, že to, co léta neřešili, nejde smazat za týden. Intra vyžaduje čas a trpělivost. Dlouhodobé užívání a pravidelnost se vyplatí. Pokud vyřešíte své zdravotní problémy, nezapomeňte Intru dále užívat. Prevence se vyplatí. Narušená rovnováha se upravuje roky…

Vaše Regina