Intra Herbal Juice Price

 Czech Republic


MO cena Intra: 1161,- Kč ( vč. DPH)

Intra bylinné tonikum je jedinečnou směsí 23 rostlinných výtažků

Pro stálé klienty možnost trvalých a výhod.

 Slovak Republic


MO Cena Intra: 44,30 € Nyní možnost trvalých 10% až 40% slev a výhod.

MO Cena Nutri:a 31,70 €




Intra® Retail Price: €35.00/bottle + TAX
NutriaPlus® Retail Price: €25.00/bottle  + TAX

Plus get up to 7 Free bottle of Intra with our Loyalty Customer Program.  See buying options & discounts for Lifestyles Intra Germany.



Intra® Retail Price: €35.00/bottle  + TAX
Nutria® Retail Price: €25.00/bottle  + TAX
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 United Kingdom


Intra® Retail Price: £25.22/bottle  + TAX
NutriaPlus® Retail Price: £16.10/bottle  + TAX
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 Republic of Ireland


Intra® Retail Price: €35.00/bottle  + TAX
NutriaPlus® Retail Price: €25.00/bottle  + TAX

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Plus get up to 7 Free bottle of Intra with our Loyalty Customer Program. See buying options & discounts for Lifestyles Intra for for Lifestyles Intra Republic Of Ireland.



Intra® Retail Price: €35.00/bottle
Nutria® Retail Price: €25.00/bottle

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 United States


Intra® Retail Price: US$35 + TAX /bottle 

NutriaPlus® Retail Price: US$25.00/bottle  + TAX

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Plus get up to 7 Free bottle of Intra with our Loyalty Customer Program. See buying options & discounts for Lifestyles Intra for Lifestyles Intra USA. ( 5 $ Fee)




Intra® Retail Price: CA$40/bottle + TAX 

Nutria® Retail Price: CA$30/bottle  + TAX

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European Union


Intra® Retail Price: € 35/bottle + TAX

NutriaPlus® Retail Price: € 25/bottle  + TAX


See buying options for EU countries Lifestyles Intra Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom). 





Intra® Retail Price: PLN 166.55/bottle ( incl. VAT)
NutriaPLus® Retail Price: PLN 111.02/bottle (incl. VAT)

 See details and wholesale discounts (up to 30%) in Poland by clicking here.

Hong Kong



Intra® Retail Price: HK$315 + TAX/bottle

NutriaPlus® Retail Price: HK$225/bottle  + TAX

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 United Arab Emirates


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Intra® Retail Price: Arab Emirati Dirham د.إ

Nutria® Retail Price: Arab Emirati Dirham د.إ



Intra® Retail Price: ILS201.16 + TAX/bottle

NutriaPlus® Retail Price: ILS130.48/bottle + TAX

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Intra® Retail Price: RM138/bottle  + TAX

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Intra® Retail Price: PHP1800/bottle + TAX

Nutria® Retail Price: PHP1500/bottle + TAX

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Intra® Retail Price: SGD61.68/bottle + TAX

Nutria® Retail Price: SGD47.66/bottle + TAX

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Intra® Retail Price: THB1350 + TAX/bottle

Nutria® Retail Price: THB1308.41/bottle + TAX

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Lifestyles intra herbal juice is backed by a comprehensive, no nonsense guarantee. The customer simply returns the unused portion in the original carton to the Distributor who sold him or her the product within 30 days of the date of purchase.

Lifestyles intra herbal juice is backed by a comprehensive, no nonsense guarantee. The customer simply returns the unused portion in the original carton to the Distributor who sold him or her the product within 30 days of the date of purchase.The Distributor will either make a product exchange or give the customer a refund on the unused portion, whichever the customer prefers. The Distributor is responsible for any cash refunds to the customer. When refunding intra, a 'Refund Form' must be completed by both the customer and the Distributor. The Customer must submit the portion of the intra bottle displaying the lot number along with a copy of the original sales receipt and the completed and signed Refund Form stating the reasons for your return. It is the customers responsibility to ensure that all unused products are returned to us by a reputable parcel carrier and in a condition that will enable the unused products to be offered for resale. Please remember to include a copy of the sales receipt sent with your order and ask for a proof of postage certificate, just in case the parcel fails to reach us. The customer is further guaranteed that the Lifestyles products are made only of superior quality ingredients and to the highest standards. Join the thousands of people around the world who have already benefited from using lifestyles intra juice and enjoy better health naturally.

Guide to a happier, longer and healthier lives

The most valuable thing we have is our health.

Step 1 – Learn how to be happy

Are you happy enough? Have you tried the pleasing secret of attraction, the mentality of abundance? Does positive thinking not work for you? Being happy is no secret. It’s just a meaningful job to yourself. Many examples will show you how to increase your short-term and long-term feelings of happiness. Here are the first two tips. Listen to the birds singing for at least 15 minutes a day.

Write down every day what you are grateful for and what you have precious. At home and in the office where you work, surround yourself with green colors( a green pad, a mug, paint your room green), it helps to induce a feeling of happiness. Every day, write in your diary two things that you are grateful for and what you have accomplished. Enjoy the little things and be grateful for every beautiful day.

Step 2 – A healthier diet helps

The basis is a varied and balanced diet, plenty of quality protein, fruits and vegetables. Increase your intake of whole grain rye flour. Eat regularly, make time for food. Add five servings of fruits or vegetables a day to your diet or a fresh fruit and vegetable juice, which is an important habit to learn.

Carefully prepared potatoes are a source of vitamin C.

Are You interested in the composition of what you eat and buy? Read Food Labels!! And what to watch out for? Excessive consumption of sugar, salt, fat and is very dangerous. It is important not to overeat or starve. Insomnia, frequent awakenings, nervousness, this could be post-covid syndrome? Limit or completely stop the intake of sugar in food, we mean sweets e.t.c..

You shall read the food packaging and its composition carefully.

Step 3 – Regular fitness

The biggest enemy of a healthy lifestyle is a sedentary lifestyle. Individuals who run a regular fitness for at least half an hour five days a week have telomere age ten years younger than people with a sedentary lifestyle. Telomeres are related to cell viability. High-intensity interval training, alternating between small and high loads, also has a positive effect on health. It can be running, skipping rope or strengthening with your own weight. Move in the fresh air for at least 30 minutes daily.

Step 4- Stress management

Stress has been experienced by people since time immemorial, it is an important mechanism for survival, as it awakens a person to perform in pursuit of prey or escape from a predator. In ancient times, however, stress was more striking, while today it is long-lasting, which exacerbates the human body. The already mentioned balanced diet and exercise itself help to fight stress. But stress is largely associated with the state of mind, ie individual. It is true that a situation that is extremely burdensome for one person can be perceived as another matter of course and not stressful. Stress cannot be fought. It is possible to avoid stress – stressful situations by a good organization of one’s own life, i.e. by the presence of some rules and a plan. Learn “first aid from stressful situations”.

How? It consists in consciously slowing down breathing at the moment of stress, which will gradually reduce the heart rate, relax the muscles. As the body begins to return to normal, so does the brain.

TIP. Also, start practicing yoga, meditation, or other healthy exercises that otherwise have beneficial effects on your mental state.

Step 5 – Good sleep

People who follow the rules of sleep hygiene, exercise regularly, are resistant to stress and take care of their diet, most of them have a good night’s sleep. As many as 60 percent of people sleep and fall asleep, doctors say. The most common type is inorganic insomnia, which is a condition of insufficient quality or quantity of sleep. Patients are said to most often report difficulty falling asleep, but they also describe intermittent sleep or early morning awakening. Most patients then expect a quick, instant solution in the form of a sleeping pill.

TIP. Following the “basic rules of sleep hygiene”, many people have no idea of ​​their existence. Common mistakes include, for example, alcohol consumption and meals just before bedtime, watching TV in the bedroom, drinking coffee in the late afternoon, staring late into the night at computer or mobile screens, or zero physical activity during the day. Listen to relaxing music.

Step 6 – Preventive medical examination

Don’t forget to have regular preventive check-ups with your general practitioner-doctor, ophthalmologist and dentist. Follow preventive check-ups with your general practitioner, within 2 years and a dentist every 6 months. Measure your pressure, condition, LDL cholesterol, PSA, etc..

Step 7 – Prevention and dietary supplements

Talk to your dietitian about what supplements to supplement if you suffer from long-term stress and do not have a varied and balanced diet, plenty of quality protein, , fiber, fruits and vegetables. Try for example Lifestyles Herbal Products. Follow the drinking regime.

TIP. Watercress. Watercress can be grown at home, so you have a daily crop of nutrients!

Step 8 – Incorporate these steps into your New Year’s plans, strategies and resolutions.

Source and pictures:,,,, Lifestyles Independent Distributors

Step 9 – Regular rest and vacation

Treat yourself to a vacation where you can relax and forget “Your worries & problems at work” as needed, don’t skimp on it, it’s an investment for you. Pack your travel INTRA capsules. Try fresh juice with Intra.

TIP.Add 28 ml of INTRA to warm water with lemon.

Updated 12.23.2023 by Tom

Liver Disease and a cirrhosis diet plan

It’s not uncommon for people with liver cirrhosis to become malnourished due to changes in their metabolism and digestive issues that occur as the liver becomes more damaged. As such, if you have this condition, what you eat and drink each day is especially important, particularly as components like protein, sodium, and sugar require your liver to work harder. Stages of Liver Disease:

  • Stage 1 :Inflammation. … 
  • Stage 2: Fibrosis. … 
  • Stage 3: Cirrhosis. … 
  • Stage 4: Liver Failure

Start Self-Care at Home for Cirrhosis

A/Stop drinking alcohol! Eat a balanced diet with adequate calories and protein.Cut down on salt if you are having problems with fluid retention. B/Because cirrhosis can impair your immune function, it’s also best to avoid raw or undercooked meat, eggs, and seafood. C/Avoid medications that may be harmful to your liver, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), or your kidneys, such as ibuprofen. 

A cirrhosis diet plan should be crafted with the help of your healthcare provider, to ensure that you’re adequately nourished and avoiding choices that can worsen your condition and otherwise impact your health. Try eating small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day.

Be careful of supplements that contain a lot of synthetics vitamin A, which can be toxic to the liver. You will also want to check with your healthcare provider before starting any supplements containing iron, which can be hard for the liver to process in high doses.Sodium is generally restricted for someone with cirrhosis because it leads to fluid retention. 

What to Eat 

If you’re following a cirrhosis diet, there are some foods and beverages you’ll need to strictly avoid. However, you’ll have your choice of many nutritious and tasty foods, including fresh produce, whole grains, and plant-based protein.


  • Fruits and vegetables (raw or cooked without butter, oil, or salt)
  • Eggs, egg whites
  • Cooked fish (salmon, tuna)
  • Lean chicken or turkey (without the skin) 
  • Low-fat Greek yogurt
  • Cream cheese, ricotta
  • Hard cheeses (cheddar, mozzarella) 
  • Nuts and seeds (unsalted) 
  • Dried beans and legumes
  • Nut butters (unsalted)
  • Tofu
  • Fortified milk alternatives (almond, soy, rice)
  • Margarine
  • Oats
  • Whole grain bread, crackers, and cereals
  • Brown rice 
  • Olive oil 
  • Fresh herbs 
  • Low-fat milk 
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Quinoa, couscous 
  • Granola and cereal bars 
  • Coconut water 
  • Meal/nutritional supplements, as approved 


  • Raw or partially raw fish and shellfish (e.g., oysters, clams) 
  • Fast food, fried food
  • Red meat 
  • Canned food (meat, soup, vegetables)
  • Packaged, processed snacks and meals (incl. frozen)
  • Hot dogs, sausage, lunchmeat 
  • Sauerkraut, pickles 
  • Buttermilk 
  • Tomato sauce or paste
  • Instant hot cereal or oatmeal
  • Potato chips, pretzels, rice cakes, crackers, popcorn 
  • Refined white flour pasta, bread, and white rice 
  • Oils high in trans fat or partially hydrogenated oils (palm oil, coconut oil)
  • Breading, coating, and stuffing mixes 
  • Full-fat dairy products
  • Bread, biscuit, pancake, and baked good mixes 
  • Pastries, cake, cookies, muffins, doughnuts 
  • American, Parmesan, Swiss, blue, feta, cottage cheese, cheese slices or spreads
  • Pudding, custard, or frosting mixes
  • Table salt, sea salt, mixed seasonings
  • Ketchup, soy sauce, salsa, salad dressing, steak sauce
  • Bouillon cubes, broth, gravy, and stock
  • Caffeinated tea, coffee, and soft drinks
  • Alcohol

Fruits and vegetables: Choose fresh produce when possible. Add fruit to cereal or oats for extra nutrition, fiber, and a little natural sweetness. Fiber-rich fruits like apples make a healthy and satisfying snack on their own. 

Dairy:Stick to low-fat Greek yogurt, small portions of low-sodium hard cheese, and fortified dairy-free milk alternatives like almond or soy. Full-fat dairy products will likely be too hard for your body to digest.

Grains: Choose whole-grain bread, pasta, brown rice, and cereal instead of those made with refined white flour.

Protein:Small servings of lean poultry without the skin, some types of fresh-caught fish (such as salmon), and eggs or egg whites may be suitable. Red meat isn’t approved for a cirrhosis diet, nor is any kind of processed lunch meat or sausage.

Desserts: Packaged cake, cookie, brownie, biscuit, pancake, and waffle mixes can be high in sugar and salt, so it’s best to avoid them. In general, you’ll want to avoid pastries, doughnuts, and muffins, unless you can make your own low-fat, low-sugar, and low-salt versions.

Beverages: You cannot drink alcohol if you have liver cirrhosis, but you’ll have plenty of other options. Water is the most hydrating choice, but if you are on a low-sodium diet, you’ll want to check the labels on bottled water as some contain sodium.  Consume pasteurized milk and juice . Some research has suggested coffee.

As we know, the majority of civilisation illnesses are the result of an improper way of life, inflammation and excessive quantities of toxins in the organism; and to treat only the symptoms will never provide good results. Source:,,

Intra capsules do not contain added sugar. The sugar content that occurs naturally from the juice crystals is less than 1/2 of a gram per two capsules. If someone is extremely sensitive to sugar – intra capsules are the best choice. Intra’s unique formula is exclusive to Lifestyles and has remained unchanged since 1992. Drink Intra. Share Intra. Every Day.

NutriaPlus is a powerful antioxidant supplement formulated with fruit and vegetable concentrates, plant extracts, vitamin C and selenium to help your body defend itself against the health challenges of modern life! 

Eleven tips on how to maintain mental youth and age healthy?

1. Don’t fight new things. Nothing will keep you in mental form like alertness and curiosity.

2. Go every day( in different ways). Walking is often talked about. But repetition is the mother of wisdom, so: it keeps you in shape, ensures that the weight does not move, oxygenates the brain cells, puts you in a good mood and gives you more energy. The very signs of youth. Man is a comfortable creature and likes a stereotype, but that needs to be resisted at least a little. Go to work another way, if possible.

3. Meet new people. Some are stubbornly reluctant to meet someone new, and it has several advantages: it keeps a person fresh, gives him new things to think about, and inspires him. Don’t hesitate to go to dinner with friends when you know there will be another couple you don’t know.

4. Maintain relationships with existing people. Call your friends, talk to your family often, meet for coffee and wine, invite friends to dinner once in a while, write emails and letters to people who have lived far away for a long time, but are still important.

5. Train your memory. Solve crossword puzzles, learn songs, poems, play the game or memory game, learn phone numbers and emails, do anything to keep your brain moving.

6. Take care of yourself. Don’t resign. Keep an eye on what’s going on around you, take care of yourself, try not to get fat, don’t neglect, always look to the world. There are people who, even after seventy, are sparkling, funny, inquisitive, vital, have bright eyes and it damn well cut them. Do not rest on your laurels and constantly try to improve, get rid of bad habits, character traits that you do not like about yourself, train your will.

7.Actively run hobbies. Whether you are an avid mushroom picker, interested in wine or enjoy horse riding, keep your interests for as long as possible. And if you stop having fun, replace them.

8.Practice. At least a quarter of an hour every day. Or less than half an hour every other day. A little stretching, a few squats, a few exercises for the back. Even in the winter of life, one should be able to lean forward and put one’s hands on the ground.

9. Travel. If possible, travel. It is one of the most enriching things one can do.

10.Accept that things are changing and do not reject changes. This avoids bile and bitterness. In short, still be a little child.

11. Eat foods that prolong human life. Needless to say, we all know why.

Are you afraid of Alzheimer’s? Learn how to avoid it!

Alzheimer’s belongs to the group of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc., which are growing very fast. We are all exposed to an increased supply of toxins in polluted environments, water, and food. In sick or elderly individuals, “excitotoxins” accumulate in the brain tissue, which cannot flush out these harmful substances. It is caused by pathologically increased immune activity (autoimmune) in brain tissues, which activates “excitotoxicity” causing brain damage. 

Alzheimer’s disease develops for up to twenty-five years without an individual having symptoms. Changes in the brain and loss of brain mass begin in people without risk factors around 40 to 50 years of age. It then takes about 20 to 25 years for the brain to become so damaged that clinical signs appear. The main risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease is a aging; a significantly higher risk of the disease exists in people who have one specific gene, APOE4. These people then also have a reduced ability to clear their brains. A regular Detoxification of organism is therefore essential.

Lifestyle also has a huge impact on the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. The body’s functioning and ability to cleanse the brain of toxins depends on how good the blood vessels are, so doctors recommend targeting a lifestyle and a healthy diet (fruits, vegetables, fish, canola and olive oil). It is also important to have enough sleep and exercise.

Alzheimer’s disease belongs to the group of neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). More than 50 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.

Is it possible to tell in a person that Alzheimer’s disease is coming? Yes. There are imaging techniques where we see the first stage of the disease, the accumulation of a particular toxin and the loss of brain mass long before the onset of clinical symptoms. We can also read signals from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid that show the degree of brain damage.

What about drugs? Many large pharmaceutical companies have the ambition to bring a cure for Alzheimer’s disease to humanity. So far, they have failed, or the new drugs are ineffective or have side effects and brain loss. But there is hope. A drug is being developed that slows the disease, helps eliminate toxins from the brain and supports the brain’s natural defense system. The results should be known in 4 years.

The Alzheimer’s. Lifestyle has a huge impact on the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. The functioning of the body and the ability to cleanse the brain of toxins depends on how well the blood vessels are, so doctors recommend paying for a healthy diet (organic local fruits, vegetables, cold-pressed rapeseed oil, virgin olive oil, etc.) and lifestyle, plenty of sleep and regular exercise. Although the aging is a major risk factor, genetics plays a large role, a significantly higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease exists in people who have one specific gene, APOE4. These people then have a reduced ability to cleanse the brain. “Our brains produce a huge amount of fumes, a kilo and a half a year. When you’re older, you’re not able to cleanse your brain so effectively. And when the brain is not cleaned, a toxin then accumulates in it, which causes damage. So do not forget to regularly detoxify the body ( Intra can be great solution) and “soul”, avoid toxic substances, the environment and read the composition of food carefully.Quality is better than quantity.

Question: Hello. My mother has a new diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Can she start taking Intra? Katrin Would

Answer: Thank you for your question. Our products are dietary supplements, not medicine. Please consult with the mother’s doctor.


Safe for Athletic Use – Intra herbal juice contains No Steroids No Stimulants – 2020 Summer Olympics Tokyo 2021

Intra is certified “Safe for Athletic Use” by the German Sport University Institute for Biochemistry, Accredited Institution for Certification, German Sport University Koln Institute for Biochemistry, IOC Accredited Laboratory, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schanzer, C/O Deutsche Sprothochschule, Dr. M.K. Parr, Food Scientist.

Intra contains No Steroids, No Stimulants

Intra is completely free of alcohol, caffeine, or any substance that would cause an athlete to test positive for a banned substance.

Understanding the “Ups” & “Downs” of Exercise

Although we are told that exercise is good for our bodies, what we are unaware of is that exercise pushes the body beyond its usual capabilities (resulting in muscle damage). With the right amount of recovery time and appropriate nutrients, the body will efficiently repair and rebuild towards an increased level of strength and endurance (this is known as the adaptation syndrome). To continually improve our level of fitness, these principles must be supported by the right amount of nutrients and antioxidants.

If these essential nutrients are provided, this will boost exercise performance and reduce exercise recovery time.

During exercise, our bodies will:

• Increase the rate and amount of oxygen utilized
• Increase metabolism (burn more calories)

After a bout of exercise, our bodies will:

• Have an increased accumulation of toxins (free radicals) and by-products (lactic acid)
• A reduced physical resistance due to increased exercise demands

Safety & Benefits of Intra® for Athletes

Free Radicals & Lactic Acid – Since exercise increases the amount of oxygen used in the body, this causes an increased production of unstable molecules called free radicals. These highly reactive molecules can damage cells and are believed to be the main cause of sore aching muscles a day or two after exercise (known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS). Intra herbal is juice Safe for Athletic Use. German Sport University Koln Institute for Biochemistry.

Source: ,,, The 2020 Summer Olympics 

How to be mentally cool? Get rid of stress and anxiety!

Today’s hectic times add to great stress and anxiety. And maintaining mental health and well-being in the 21st century can be a bit tricky around technology, social networking, and information. How to improve the psyche and get rid of stress and anxiety? How to be mentally cool?

Mental well-being is more important today than ever before. But achieving it is not easy, the pressure is on us from all sides – work, partners, family. Nevertheless, we should learn to slow down and enjoy life, not be constantly stressed and try to get rid of the anxiety we feel. How to do it? 

What causes stress or anxiety?

There are many causes of stress and anxiety. For each person, the trigger can be something different. In general, however, there are several common factors that are the most common cause of our mental discomfort:

Death of a loved one,


Problems at work, in relationships, in the family,

Financial problems,

Environmental pressure (at work, in a family relationship).

But the feeling of frustration and sadness is also evoked by various physical variables, for example, you do not like yourself, you feel fat, too thin, unsightly. Appearance is often the trigger for depression and eating disorders, especially in women, but men are no exception. It is also very important how our surroundings look at us. If our parents keep telling us that we are incompetent, we will feel that way, even though it is not true.

Social isolation, rejection, various traumas, or lack of sleep and physical activity will not add to your well-being either.

Don’t be afraid to see a therapist or psychologist

Most important of all, it’s the realization that you either need help or just need to testify. Today, a visit to a therapist or psychologist is no longer taboo and you do not have to be afraid to seek their help. And not just when you’re not feeling well. The therapist can advise you even in difficult life decisions and guide you.

Tips on how to improve your PSYCHO

There are many tips and advice that can help you improve your mood, calm your mind and be mentally well.

1. Stay in touch

Building good relationships with family, friends, colleagues is important. A lot of bad things come from bad interpersonal relationships, so surround yourself with people you love with whom you share the same interests – partners, family, friends. Try to spend time with them and talk to them for a while. Good relationships at work are a crucial factor because we spend most of the day at work. You don’t have to be friends with everyone, but as far as possible, avoid quarrels and unnecessary conflicts. And if you feel exhausted and without energy after a hard day’s work, call your friends or family and talk, keep in touch with them.

TIP: If you think that someone around you is more likely to suck the energy out of you and have a negative effect on you, it is often better to reduce or break contact with such a person.

2. Be active

It is well known that physical activity has a significant effect on the psyche. So if you spend most of the day at the table and do not move too much, then you will come home and sit down again for a TV, for example, you will not please your mental health. Rather go for a walk, jogging, or work out in the fitness center. It does not have to be a demanding movement or activity, it is important that you move. Find an activity that you enjoy and try to do it regularly, whether it’s just a small change in an experienced routine or a big decision to run a marathon. How about replacing the elevator with stairs, go to work by bike or on foot. There are really a lot of possibilities.

In addition, sports are a great way to get rid of stress. Physical activity reduces the production of cortisol, the so-called stress hormone, and also flushes out chemicals from our body that promote a positive mood. Eliminate symptoms of stress such as an upset stomach, poor sleep, poor lifestyle, and get comfortable.

3. Have time for yourself

Finding time during the day just for yourself is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Although many say that we do not catch up and do not have time, there are always a few minutes that we can set aside only for ourselves. Having time for yourself is really important, so try to find at least 15 minutes a day, ideally more to devote yourself to and what you enjoy, whether it’s a walk, reading a good book, meditating, or just sitting in the garden. or in the park and enjoy the present moment.

Find an activity that entertains and fills you, brings you happiness and well-being, and in which you relax. It can really be anything from reading to embroidery. Meditation or various breathing techniques are also a great way to get rid of stress. Also popular is the method of mindfulness, which involves realizing the present moment, how our thoughts affect our behavior and actions.

4. Eat Healthy

Food, like physical activity, is an important element of our mental health. If you usually eat unhealthily in fast food and consume alcohol, you probably won’t be very mentally well. Eating habits significantly affect our emotions and how we feel.

It is important to eat regularly, at least 3 times a day. Avoid foods with fast sugars, which will cause the blood glucose to rise rapidly and then fall rapidly, making us feel hungry. It is a hunger that makes us feel nervous, frustrated, irritated, and much faster than we fall into a bad mood. Eat a balanced diet, treat yourself to plenty of vegetables, try not to miss breakfast. Follow the drinking regime and drink a sufficient amount of the best clean water. Also, try to limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol.

5. Treat yourself to a good night’s sleep

The body’s sleep serves to regenerate, if we do not have enough of it, we will be tired and therefore also moody. Therefore, enjoy at least 7-8 hours of sleep. It is ideal to go to bed at the same time every day and also wake up at the same time. Put down the phone at least an hour before bed, turn off the TV and computer, and you better read, listen to relaxing music, take a bath, or try breathing exercises or meditation. Not only in the summer months, pull blinds or shutters in the bedroom.

6. Accept yourself

It is really difficult to accept who we are, but it is not impossible. Believe that if you accept and love yourself, you will be relieved. Find what you are good at and accept your uniqueness. Do not succumb to negative thoughts. Learn new things, discover new places, people. That you will underestimate yourself, constantly saying that you are not good enough, or standing in front of a mirror and looking for imperfections damages your mental health. If you have been carrying trauma for a long time, for example, your classmates have told you that you are not good or you have not received enough recognition from your parents, talk about your feelings, whether it is a friend or a professional.

Source:, Dana Grof – Silnezdravi,,


Lifestyles GN USA Hawaii BECOME a Distributor or a Preferred CLIENT and save



 Intra Trio (3 Bottles) Retail Price :$105  

*An additional charge of $ 31.16 completes the order Intra Trio

Shipping and Handling HAWAII: from $ 61.66

Invoice Total: $ 156.16

Join as a Lifestyles Preferred Client to enjoy Discount in Hawaii:

Be a Loyal customer and get rewarded! Join our Loyalty Program with 150 PV orders.

Hawaii. Join our Preferred Customer Program.


You pay an application fee of $5


Intra Trio (3 Bottles) Retail Price ( Hawaii*): $105  

Less 10% Discount: $10,50

Net Product Total: $95,50

(After 10% off and including extra shipping)

*An additional charge of $31.16 completes the order

Shipping and Handling Hawaii: $61.66

Invoice Total: $156.16

Click on the button below to become the Preferred Customer and buy with a discount.

Hawaii. Join as a Lifestyles Distributor to enjoy Wholesale Discount:


You pay an application fee of US$40


Distributors can get a minimum of 20% to a maximum of 30% discount on their purchase. The discount level is accumulative and without a time limit. (i.e. once you achieved the 30% level, you will never drop back to 25%.)

The Example

Intra CASE (9 Bottles) Retail Price ( Hawaii*): $315 

Less 25% Discount: $78.75

Net Product Total: $236.25

Shipping and Handling Hawaii: $40.00

Invoice Total: $276.25

Sliding Discount Scale for Distributors ($1 Retail = 1 Point): 

1 to 600 point. . . . . . . . . . @20%

601 to 1500 point. . . . . . .@25%

1501 to 2800 point  . . . . @30%

USA Lifestyles Programs EXPRESS DIRECT for the New Distributors



Be a loyal customer* and get rewarded! Order minimum volume of 150 points( any combination of product/Intra/NutriaPlus/FL/CL), and order completed between the 08th and 21st of each month you will be eligible for up to 7 FREE bottles of Intra liquid(Per Year). 

*You can cancel AutoShip at any time, making it a flexible means of ensuring you get your monthly product orders when you want them.




 Lifestyles USA
8100 Keele Street
Vaughan, Ontario
Canada L4K 2A3

Intra Herbal Juice Slovak Republic

Intra ® is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts manufactured by Lifestyles Global Network Canada, Slovakia.

  As a natural food supplement intra® helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems with the essential nutrients that are lacking in most modern diets. Order online.

Intra – Precise Formulation of 23 Botanical Extracts

Intra herbal juiceIntra – zmes najúčinnejších liečivých rastlín a bylín z celého sveta

» Intra je zmes 23 druhov liečivých rastlín, bylín, korienkov a kôr stromov

» Intra posilňuje imunitný systém a rovnováhu organizmu

» Intra organizmus detoxikuje a regeneruje

» Intra znižuje únavu a zvyšuje výkonnosť

» Intra obsahuje niektoré vzácne sa vyskytujúce flavanoidy a polysacharidy

» Intra obsahuje tiež stopové množstvo vitamínov a minerálov

» V roku 2005 získala Intra prestížne ocenenie “Healthy Life and Food – Ecolife”

» Novinky! CardioLife, NutriaPlus, Fiberlife.

PDF Lifestyles Produkty

Zdravie ukryté vo fľaši stáročných skúseností

Intra je najznámejší a najpredávanejší produkt spoločnosti Lifestyles. Intra je vyvážená zmes, ktorú tvoria liečivé rastliny a byliny, korienky byliniek a kôry stromov, pestované v ekologicky čistých oblastiach sveta. Účinok výťažkov liečivých rastlín a bylín, ktoré Intra obsahuje, je preverený stáročiami a skúsenosťami mnohých generácií. Liečivé rastliny Intra je prírodný doplnok zdravej výživy, ktorý obsahuje celý rad základných živín, chýbajúcich v našej každodennej strave. Intra pomáha ľudský organizmus uviesť do rovnováhy a posilniť jeho imunitu a správne fungovanie.

Vývoj Intry trval takmer 10 rokov a podieľali sa na ňom najlepší vedci a znalci bylín a liečivých rastlín, ktorí sa opierali o receptúry stáročiami overených herbárov, ako i o najmodernejšie vedecké poznatky v oblasti detoxikácie ľudskej buňky a orgánov, spôsobenej nedostatkami vo výžive.

Celkovo je v Intre 23 druhov liečivých extraktov, rozpustených v prírodnej hruškovej alebo hroznovej šťave. Intra je k dispozícii i vo forme kapsulí, ktoré sú rovnako účinné a vhodné najmä pri častejšom cestovaní. O kvalite výrobku Intra svedčia medzinárodné ochranné známky COR 341 (kosher), GMP a HACCP, ktoré sú celosvetovo považované ako záruka čistoty, kvality pestovania, zberu a spracovania produktu.

Legislatívne je Intra zaradená do kategórie potravinových doplnkov, preto sa môže užívať bez konzultácie s lekárom. Intru je možné podávať deťom od dvoch rokov, môžu ju užívať tehotné ženy i dojčiace matky. Skúsenosti s užívaním Intry ukazujú, že môže priaznivo pôsobiť i v prípadoch, kedy lieky klasickej medicíny nepomohli. Objednávky online.

Liečivé účinky liečivých rastlín

Základnou úlohou zmesi liečivých rastlín je zbaviť organizmus toxických látok, regenerovať ho, dodať mu potrebnú energiu, rovnováhu, posilniť imunitný systém a pôsobiť tak ako prevencia proti civilizačným chorobám. Intra tiež spriechodňuje a čistí systém cievny. Pri jej užívaní sa zvýši výkonnosť, zníži únava a obnoví vitalita organizmu. Intra pôsobí i preventívne, nakoľko Intra detoxikuje organizmus a zbavuje ho rôznych škodlivín.

Komplex biologicky aktívnych látok a rastlín može pomocť pri celom rade zdravotných problémov: astma, ochorenia dutín, alergie, angína, artritída, reumatizmus, kŕčové žily, hemoroidy, poruchy krvného obehu, problémy močových ciest a obličiek, dna, problémy so stolicou, menštruačné problémy, menopauza, osteoporóza, ekzémy, migréna, depresie, problémy s pečeňou, lupienka, cukrovka.

Intra nenahradzuje liečebné postupy klasickej medicíny ale bežnú liečbu efektívne dopĺňa. Intra dodáva organizmu komplex biologicky aktívnych látok, ktoré podporujú a posilňujú jeho imunitný systém.

Kombinácia liekov a prírodnej zmesi Intra

Pri výskume účinkov liečivých rastlín a klasických syntetických liekov bola medzi prípravkami toho istého liečebného zamerania výrazná súčinnosť. Užívanie preparátu liečivých rastlín Intra súčasne s liekmi klasickej medicíny častokrát vedú k následnému zníženiu dávok liekov. Pri liečbe akútnych a ťažkých chorobných stavov, je vhodné klasickú liečbu kombinovať s užívaním Intry, pretože Intra dodáva organizmu komplex biologicky aktívnych látok, ktoré výrazne podporujú imunitný systém organizmu, čo chemicky vyrobený liek nedokáže.

V produktoch spoločnosti Lifestyles sa spájajú moderné výrobné postupy s tradičnou múdrosťou a skúsenosťami nadobudnutými za niekoľko stáročí.

6971 MC Intry je 44,30 €. Osoby s licenciou Lifestyles obdrží zľavu 20% – 30%. Licenciu obdržíte u Márii Zárišovej tel: +421 905 967 646.



Lifestyles Intra USA is only available through Independent Distributors and is NOT sold in stores.

Lifestyles Global Network The USA


Intra® Retail Price: US$35/bottle

NutriaPlus® Retail Price: US$30/bottle

FiberLife® Retail Price: US$35/bottle

CardioLife® Retail Price: US$35/bottle


New! Better Together Pack:
The Synergy of Intra, NutriaPlus, and CardioLife

 New! Retail Price: $135.00

Better Together Pack  (2 Intra Liquid + 1 NutriaPlus + 1 CardioLife) 

New! Retail Price: $135.00

Better Together Pack (2 Intra Capsules + 1 NutriaPlus + 1 CardioLife)


Order Online

Have more Energy and Stamina – Get a discount now from Lifestyles. Highlights: In Business Since 1992, Online Shopping Available. Intra – Buy Now and Save – Buy Now and Save –

A proprietary blend of 23 botanical extracts from Lifestyles that help to boost your body’s systems while increasing your energy and vitality.

BECOME a Distributor or a Preferred CLIENT and save up to 40%!

Join as a Lifestyles Preferred Client to enjoy Discount:

Save 10% on Single Order with our Preferred Customer Program.


You pay an application fee of US$5

Join as a Lifestyles Preferred Customer with Loyalty Program


Save 10% (10.50 US$) on Single Order ( 3 x Intra)  plus receive up to 7 Free Intra per year with our Loyalty Programs( See Program Details).
You pay an application fee of US$5
Intra Trio Liquid (3 Bottles) with 0% discount: 105.00 US$
Less 10% Discount: 10.50 US$
Intra Trio Liquid (3 Bottles) with 10% discount: 94.50 US$
Shipping and Handling: 20 US$
Total: 114.50 US$

USA Prefered Customer Price List and Order Form


Buy at wholesale price. Join as a Lifestyles Distributor to enjoy Wholesale Discount:


You pay an application fee of US$40


Distributors can get a minimum of 20% to a maximum of 30% discount on their purchase. The discount level is accumulative and without a time limit. (i.e. once you achieved the 30% level, you will never drop back to 25%.B


Save 20% (21.00 US$) on Single Order ( 3 x Intra)  plus receive up to 7 Free Intra per year with our Loyalty Programs( See Program Details).
You pay an application fee of US$40
Intra Trio Liquid (3 Bottles) with 0% discount: 105.00 US$
Less 20% Discount: 21.00 US$
Intra Trio Liquid (3 Bottles) with 20% discount: 84.00 US$
Shipping and Handling: 20 US$
Total: 104.00 US$

Save 20% (27.00 US$) on Single Order ( Better Together (2 Int, 1 Nut +, 1 CL)  plus receive up to 7 Free Intra per year with our Loyalty Programs( See Program Details).

You pay an application fee of US$40
Better Together Pack(2 Int, 1 Nut +, 1 CL) with 0% discount: 135.00 US$
Less 20% Discount: 27.00 US$
Better Together Pack(2 Int, 1 Nut +, 1 CL) with 20% discount: 108.00 US$
Shipping and Handling: 20 US$
Total: 128.00 US$

Sliding Discount Scale for Distributors ($1 Retail = 1 Point): 

1 to 600 point. . . . . . . . . . @20%

601 to 1500 point. . . . . . .@25%

1501 to 2800 point  . . . . @30%

lifestyles mlm

Direct Distributor


1,470 Points within 30 days.

Bonus: If you purchase more than 1,500 points of products in one single order, not only you will enjoy a 30% discount on your entire order, you will receive 3 extra bottles of Intra for FREE.


  • Once you become a Direct Distributor, you can enjoy a Lifetime 40% discount on all Lifestyles products
  • Chances to earn Wholesale Profit and Royalty Bonus

 See Intra 5 step process


Join The Global Intra Team Right Now!


USA Lifestyles Programs EXPRESS DIRECT for the New Distributors


Be a loyal customer and get rewarded! Be eligible for up to 7 FREE bottles of Intra Herbal Juice, per year. 

Do you like to buy at discount? If you are a Distributor or Preferred Customer, please first click here and join. We will send you a link to log in to your PBC and receive your discount. Lifestyles Intra USA is only available through Independent Distributors and is NOT sold in stores.

*You can cancel AutoShip at any time, making it a flexible means of ensuring you get your monthly product orders when you want them.


Do you like to buy at discount? If you are a Distributor or Preferred Customer, please first click here and receive your discount.

Lifestyles GN USA – Promotions 

BECOME a Distributor or a Preferred CLIENT and save up to 40%!

Source:, Lifestyles Global Network,, Lifestyles Independent Distributors