How to Unblock Fallopian Tubes Naturally Part 2

Almost 40% of infertility cases account from blocked fallopian tubes. Very often, only one of the fallopian tubes is blocked, with the other functioning normally. However, some women may have bilaterally blocked fallopian tubes too. Since blocked fallopian tubes are usually asymptomatic, they may go undetected until a woman is unable to conceive, and undergoes investigations to determine the reason for infertility. Most of the cases of blocked fallopian tubes are reversible and can be cured with medications naturally.  Get started on one or more of the following natural measures and remedies to unblock your fallopian tubes successfully.

  1. Take vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C is required for the absorption of iron. In addition, it boosts immunity and fights infections. If your fallopian tube blockages are due to infections or inflammation, vitamin C may help clear them. Start by taking 1000mg vitamin C supplements 5-6 times a day. Vitamin C especially helps clear fallopian blocks due to mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, if you experience diarrhea or any other complaints because of this supplement, reduce your dosage or stop completely. And pay a visit to your doctor!
  2. Rely on herbs. Certain herbs can help to kill any bacteria like yeast that may cause infection or prevent fertility. Prominent amongst these herbs are Dong Quai, chamomile, garlic, oleander, turmeric, red peony root, frankincense and calendula. Any qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) expert can decide your dosage thorough examination. Research conducted on the red peony root has shown to be rich in anti-oxidants. As we have seen above, this is probably the reason why it is prescribed in TCM to cure blocked fallopian tubes.There are various combinations of such drugs available as herbal drinks, infusions or supplements. One should not consume any of them without consulting a doctor or a skilled expert in the field and not fall far “miraculous” unverified claims. Try long term usage of Intra Lifestyles – save and great tasting.
  3. Try herbal tampons. Various herbal tampons are available for the treatment of blocked fallopian tubes. These are tampons soaked in herbs, which help regulate the reproductive organs. However, use of this method should always be with extreme caution, as the tampons are not always sterile, and could lead to infections. In addition, these herbs, when taken orally, produce the same medicinal effects.
    • Goldenseal root works as an anti-microbial agent, and reduces inflammation and infections, and subsequently prevents scarring and adhesions.
    • Ginger root improves circulation, thus reducing inflammation and blocks. Hawthorn and Uva Ursi help reduce congestion and excess body fluids, thus clearing fallopian blocks due to fluid or blood collection.
    • Dong Quai, a Chinese, herb helps release spasms in the fallopian tubes.
  4. Apply castor oil. Application of castor oil is believed to help with blocked fallopian tubes by increasing blood and lymphatic circulation around the fallopian tubes. The increased blood supply helps with better functioning and removal of blocks from your tubes, while the lymphatics help remove old cells, scar tissue, and diseased cells.
    • You could apply castor oil directly on the lower abdomen or you may even use castor oil soaked packs and tissues that are easily available online and in herbal stores. You need to do this daily for at least 1-2 months for good results.
  5. Consider using charcoal poultices. An activated charcoal poultice when applied over the lower abdomen directly above your uterus and fallopian tubes helps treat infections and reduce inflammation. You can even prepare these poultices at home. Here’s how:
    • Place a few paper towels on a tabletop.
    • Place a mixture of activated charcoal and flaxseeds onto the towels and cover it with more paper towels.
    • Place this poultice on the affected area and cover it with a plastic wrap. Use these poultices overnight for better results.
  6. Look into enzymes like serrapeptase. This therapy uses natural enzymes produced by your body to dissolve scar tissues and prevent fibrosis. Enzymes also reduce inflammation and regulate blood flow to the reproductive organs.[3] Serrapeptase is a widely-used enzyme for this purpose.
    • Serrapeptase in silkworms helps dissolve their cocoons due to its tissue break down properties. Supplements and other multi-enzyme preparations such as Wobenzym N and Advil are available over the counter. However, always speak to your doctor before taking these enzymes in case you have some underlying medical condition.
  7. Consider homeopathy. This holistic science cures effectively with minimum or no side effects. Many remedies in the homeopathy pharmacopeia are helpful in the treatment of blocked tubes and infertility. Some of the remedies you may use are as follows:
    • Pulsatilla nigricans: It is indicated for fallopian blockages with menstrual irregularities and mood swings. Pulsatilla 30 taken twice a day for 2-3 months could help regulate your menstrual cycle and remove fallopian blocks.
    • Sepia: It is a homeopathic remedy indicated for menstrual irregularities, painful menses, pain in the vagina with a bearing down feeling, and repeated miscarriages due to fallopian blockages. Sepia 30 thrice a day for 2-3 months should help relieve your symptoms.
    • Thyroidinum: If you have thyroid disorders along with fallopian blocks, or lethargy with sluggishness and tendency to gain weight, thyroidinum 30 twice a day could help you considerably.
    • Natrum Muriaticum: It helps women who have recurrent headaches, especially after exposure to sunlight, and a craving for salty and sour food items. Fallopian tube blocks with delayed menses, bloating of abdomen with gas, and headaches are an indication for natrum muriaticum. Take 200 twice a day for 2- 3 months.

Source: Google,